Friday, October 31, 2008

Some Thoughts About Resumes

Tough economic times makes for even tougher hiring standards. this is a fact that has become all too obvious in recent weeks. While companies are definitely making hiring decisions, they are eliminating resumes from their pool faster than ever.

Let's say a company needs an Equipment Validation Engineer, it is simply not enough to mention it in the job title. You have to show proof that you have really done the job and can show related experience. Another example deals with skills summaries. If you list Oracle and SQL in your summary, make sure you back that up by listing those skills under every job where you used them!

Following the above mentioned suggestions will keep your resume in the 'in box' and hopefully get you called in for an interview. Good luck!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Here are a few odds and ends as I prepare to hopefully watch my Phils win the World Series tonight!

One of my clients needs a Validation Engineer for a long term project in Northern NJ. Must have strong experience with PQ, IQ, and OQ but cannot be a software validation expert. Candidate should come from medical device or pharmaceutical firm and understand validation of machinery. Send me your resume if you fit to

I have been exploring new ways to maximize linked in and would love to trade ideas with anyone else who is utilizing this service.

With Linens and Things closing, I could connect hiring managers with some talented AS400 people I have known for over a decade up there. It is sad to see a long time NJ employer reach the end of the line thanks to the credit crunch.

On November 5, I will be leading a discussion on how to maximize participation at job fairs for the Job Seekers Support Group of Jewish Family Services in Somerville. This is open to all but reservations are preferred. I could provide contact info if anyone wishes to stop by.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Go Phillies!

Those of you who know me well are aware that I have been a loyal fan of the Phils since I was old enough to watch TV. I have bittersweet memories of watching them blow a practically free pass into the World Series with my father and grandfather when i was about 5 and actually learned that day that my grandfather understood baseball! many reports have been written about how the Phils usually do well in bad economic times and then an upswing occurs shortly thereafter. Perhaps this will be the first time in 28 years that they bring a World Series Pennant home and we will see an end to the recession as well! As Richie Ashburn always said, it is a great day to watch some baseball!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lesson Learned from Debates

I am writing this during the final Presidential Debate of 2008 which I quickly turned off. This is not meant as a 'no' vote for either candidate as I will not make political predictions on my blog! Rather, it is a gripe about sidestepping issues and dodging questions. When interviewing, answer the question straight and to the point. Do not drift to sidebars or answer with another question. If you do not know the answer, be honest!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Method to My Madness

I apologize if this sounds like a ranting but there is a method to my madness! One of my clients recently asked me to put together a team of engineers to move a production line from Puerto Rico to NJ (yes, strange things are taking place in our weird economy). The deal was that about 60% of phase one would take please in P.R. and 40% in NJ and that this would shift toward the start of 2009. Four of the five people are in place. The 5th one decided to not join the group because of the travel. I located another great candidate who could not wait to interview. Once I set up the meeting, he asked me to change the time. Once I changed the time, he asked me to change it again then admitted that he did not want to take off during work hours to interview. When I explained that after hours meetings were not an option, he chose to stay put, earning almost 15% less than he could at the new job! Please do not do this to a recruiter from a search firm or a human resources person. We have a way of reappearing over time and this could hurt you down the road.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I just added another new link to my Useful Sites section. This one will take you to the Professional Services group. While new to my blog, the PSG has been around for at least 15 years, probably longer. The PSG is operated through the NJ Department of Labor and is self managed by those utilizing it. It is designed to help professionals who suddenly find themselves in need of support while job hunting. Some of the chapters are more active than others. I have had much success locating potential candidates through the branches in New Brunswick and Dover. Please check out the site and contact the group nearest you.


Unfortunately, I have been receiving too many calls from people being laid off suddenly during the last few weeks. Let's hope that whoever ends up in the White House does a better job of stimulating the economy and job growth than the current person living there rent free.

In the meantime, you need to stay healthy even when benefits are cut off. The Department of Labor has an extensive website explaining your rights to COBRA as a stopgap until you are gainfully employed and receiving employer sponsored health insurance. the link will remain on my blog for your constant reference. I hope this helps.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Career Seminars at Raritan Valley Community College

I thought some of you would be interested in the following programs:

1) Networking 101 for Success: Tuesday, October 21st, 6:30-8:00 PM in College Center, Room C205. Led by Giulio Padovani, participants will learn effective networking skills that will help them to create opportunities for new careers, jobs, sales and much more!

2) Careers in Education Seminar, Tuesday, October 28th, 6:30-8:30 PM, Conference Center. Participants will learn about a variety of careers from Pre-K up through the High School level. Attendees will be given the chance to meet with professionals in roundtable sessions.

For directions to our North Branch campus, please view the following:

Registration is preferred for each event by calling Career Services Registration Hotline at 908-526-1200 ext. 8934 or by visiting our website at:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome to October!

Certainly, the month that ends with the ancient ritual of trick or treating could be a tricky one on the job search front. The month before a presidential election is always quite unpredictable and the mess on Wall Street and the lack of direction by our nation's leadership might make the next several weeks even stranger to deal with.

Oddly enough, companies are hiring to fill essential roles in an attempt to keep business flowing as best as possible. Job seekers need to tread carefully when selecting new positions. Employers may add extra duties to new positions in an attempt to get by with less staff producing bigger results.

Here are a few questions to keep in mind while job hunting. Please realize you should ask these questions whenever job hunting but even more so in tough times:
  1. How much travel is involved? Is it day trips or mostly overnight?
  2. Will I be expected to use my own vehicle for travel? (Receiving mileage compensation may not be enough considering that many people are using mileage restricted leased vehicles).
  3. Is the company privately held or part of a larger corporation?
  4. Are you capable of performing at least 90% of the required work?

Please contact me to discuss these items or others that might interest you!

Update to PERL Opportunity

The position I wrote about yesterday will pay up to $70 hourly while contracting then up to 125K with complete benefits when it goes permanent!