As we are about to close out 2017 and move forward into 2018, it is a good time for employment candidates to do some light housekeeping to keep their job search process fresh and relevant. The winter months sometimes allow us to become complacent which just can not happen!!
Begin by checking over your resume to ensure that all the information is accurate and up to date. Perhaps you took some courses, or received some new certifications, since your last resume update. Now is the time to put any new information into the document so you share the best possible information with perspective employers.
Reference lists also need to be reviewed regularly. Sometimes, your references will relocate, change phone numbers and/or email addresses, or simply disappear! LinkedIn and other social media engines can help you find missing people. If you cannot reach them, remove them from your list of references and find someone current to replace them.
Visit all search engines where your resume is posted to ensure that your most current version is being viewed and that all contact details are correct. At least 25% of the candidates I attempt to reach using search engines are impossible to find.
Heading into the new year fully prepared will help you keep your job search flowing in the proper direction. Good luck!!
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Teaching Position in NJ
Nefesh Yehudi Academy (Hebrew School that works in tandom with Hatikvah International Academy Charter School) which is located at the Young Israel in East Brunswick, is looking for an Assistant Teacher.
Perfect for an "empty nester!"
Hours are 3pm-5pm from Monday through Thursday.
If you are interested, please send a resume to elie.salomon@
Monday, December 18, 2017
Job Search Never Stops!
Job Seekers definitely need to enjoy the winter holiday cycle but keeping up on job search is equally critical. Here are some things going on in the coming days:
Sundays, from 8:00 – 9:00 am. Every Sunday morning tune into Your Career is Calling on 107.7 FM, The Bronc, an on-campus radio station at Rider University. Host Wanda Elletbrings you the best career advice, no matter what stage your career is in. Whether you are in transition, looking for a better opportunity, or even a college student, Your Career is Calling has you covered. Nearly every single week, they are joined by a special guest to cover a unique topic. Don’t forget to tune into 107.7 FM The Bronc, or 107.7 The Bronc’s free Android and IPhone Apps. Listeners can reach the studio with their questions at 1-877-900-1077. In addition, interesting previous episodes are available at: thebronc/?page_id=356.
Mondays, from 9:00 – 10:00 pm. Call in your job search questions every Monday night to a live Radio Show titled: Own Your Career hosted by Rod Colon, on Blogtalk Radio - ownyourcareer. Dial 1-347-857-3320 with your questions to get proven guidance from the # 1 career coach in the United States, specialized in the 7 Step Job Search and author of the book Win The Race For 21st Century Jobs. Get free coaching with challenges you encounter steering your career in the rough seas of the 21st century job market.
In addition to the great meetings listed below, check out the Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) website at: http://neighbors-helping- or for additional meetings.
Monday, December 18th from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm: Professional Service Group of Central NJ wishes everyone Happy Holidays. No Meeting until the New Year. PSGCNJ wishes everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday Season. Meetings will resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. Additional information is available at: PSGCNG meets every Monday, except holidays. The meeting will be at First United Methodist Church of Somerville, 48 West High Street, Somerville, NJ 08876.
Monday, December 18th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm: The Westchester Networking Organization (WNO) will host their 9th Annual Year-end Potluck Supper and Networking Meeting. Agenda: Good food ... Good friends ... Good times. If you can bring a food dish, please be sure to let us know by completing the questionnaire at r/NVLPNYW. The WNO hosts meetings on the third Monday of each month. For additional information, or to register for this event, please visit WNO’s website at: The meeting will be at the Theodore D. Young Community Center, 32 Manhattan Avenue, White Plains, New York 10607.
Monday, December 18th, from 6:30 – 8:45 pm, The Warren Financial Executive Network Group (FENG) will host John Hadley, a Career Search Counselor, who will give a presentation titled: What's Keeping You From Landing? Do you know what's blocking your search and keeping you from landing that job you really want? Whether you are just starting out on your search, or have been struggling for seemingly endless months, one of your most important tasks is to diagnose what you need to do to succeed in your search. In this unique workshop, John will use his proprietary Kick Start Your Career Search assessment survey to help you uncover what's getting in your way, positioning you to take action to land the job and pay you deserve.You will complete your own personal ChangeGrid on-site. John will then show you how to interpret it to identify the challenges you face, and strategies for dealing with them. He will also reinforce this with selected ChangeGrids from his client files, showing you the stories behind them. This is going to be a unique opportunity to position yourself to take the RIGHT actions to move your search forward, so do not miss out. Please feel free to forward this note to anyone that you think would benefit from joining us. Or, better yet, just bring them with you. We invite other networking groups to attend, such as: The Breakfast Club, Careers in Transition, Career Connections Consortium, Career Forum, and NJ-SENG. Register at chapters/announcement.php? ChapterID=45. The meeting is at the Morris County Library, 30 East Hanover Avenue, 1st Floor Conference Room, Whippany, NJ 07981.
Tuesday, December 19th, from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm.. The Professional Service Group of New Brunswick (PSGNB) will host a free workshop titled: Resume Writing. Learn how to customize your resume for each job and use C.A.R. (Challenge, Action, Result) stories to convey your competitive advantage. For the schedule and to learn more about the organization and activities visit the website at: The workshops are held at the Kennedy branch of The Piscataway Public Library, 500 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
Tuesday, December 19th, from 3:15 - 4:45 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will offer a special program titled: Introduction to Twitter. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Tuesday, December 19th, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host a special presentation titled: Make 2018 Your Most Productive Year Ever. Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things that you have to do? Do you frequently daydream of how productive you could be if you only had more hours during the day or an assistant? Is there a project or hobby that you would love to do, but have been putting it off because you have no time and this frustrates you to no end? Does COB mean 11:59 PM to you? Come learn how to become super productive. You will learn to work smarter, not harder, if you are coming to this program, it is likely that you are already a hardworking, busy-bee. You will learn how to do more with shortcuts, time management techniques, and a variety of tips, habits, and tools that will help you reach your goals and feel happy, as well as accomplished, at the end of each day. Do not let another year slip by, come learn how to make 2018 your most productive year so far. Sign up in here to receive a copy of the handout via email after the program. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Tuesday, December 19th, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm: The Newtown Career Networking Group will host a special meeting titled: Developing Your Value Proposition and Personal Brand.Do you want to be the top candidate for this position or just another commodity? Want to command a premium offer or negotiate a mediocre compensation package. Describe what you bring to the table, prior achievements, and how they apply to this position, in four or five sentences that can be delivered NATURALLY and CONFIDENTLY in 10-12 seconds! Then use it in conversation, resumes, and cover letters, and more. Create, promote, and BE that image. Please RSVP at: For more information, contact the church at 1-215-968-3861 or The meeting is at The Newtown Presbyterian Church, Reception Hall, 25 North Chancellor Street, Newtown, PA 18940.
Tuesday, December 19th, from 7:30 - 9:30 pm: The Career Forum will host Lloyd Feinstein, a career coach, who will give a presentation titled: Resume Critique. For more information, contact Sylvia Velez at 1-908-630-3530 or email The meeting is at the Somerset Hills YMCA, 140 Mt. Airy Rd, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.
Wednesday, December 20th, from 9:30 am - 12:00 noon: The Professional Service Group of Morris County (PSGMC) will host a special Speed Networking and Holiday Celebration. Additional information is available at: The meeting will be at the Parsippany Troy Hills Library, 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
Wednesday, December 20th, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host Celia Currin, an executive and career coach, who will give a presentation titled: Thinking through the Job Interview. All job interviews address three key questions: Can you do the job? Will you love the job? Do I really want to work with you? How do you address those unspoken questions during the course of an interview? Celia will discuss these questions and give you a way to think through the interview before you get there, the research and preparation that can help calm your nerves, and boost your confidence. The key to success is often how you develop rapport and outlast and outshine your competition. People like to hire people they like. The real goal of that first interview is to be invited back for the next one. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Thursday, December 20th, from 6:45 - 9:00 pm: The Bronxville Career Network (BCN) will host Terry Viney, President of The Plus Factor in Your Business, who will give a presentation titled: Perfecting Your Pitch. Is the real you coming across in your interviews? The job search is a sales pitch. Terry’s tips will adjust and correct your self - presentation so that the most important and relevant information gets you hired. Terry provides real-life examples and live critiques. In addition, there will be live and taped demos of interviews and elevator speeches, with breakout sessions. Join us to get set for the new you in the New Year. For further information, email Rich Antash at or BCN’s website at: site/bcnrcb/home. For a Google map of the location, click on the following link: The meeting is at The Reformed Church of Bronxville, in the Edwards room, 180 Pondfield Road, at the corner of Midland Ave, Bronxville, NY 10708.
Wednesday, December 20th, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm: GenY Networking Group will host: a Festive Holiday Gathering. To conclude 2017 we will gather at Arminio’s Italian Corner, a popular local Chatham eatery, for our seventh annual end-of-year Holiday Gathering to relax, kick back a bit, and share each other’s' company and the spirit of the holiday season. For additional information please contact Joe Finazzo at This festive holiday celebration will be at Arminio’s Italian Corner, 236 Main Street, Chatham 07928.
Wednesday, December 20th from 7:30 - 9:15 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair will host their Annual Holiday Pot Luck Party. Join us for a fun, free session to catch up with members and group leaders. Please feel free to bring your favorite holiday treat to share with others. Additional information is available at: http://www. Th e meeting is at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 73 South Fullerton Avenue (corner of Union Street), Montclair, NJ 07042.
Thursday, December 21st, from 1:30 - 3:00 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host a special program presented by MaturityWorks titled: Job Search Tips for Mature Job Seekers. The job search process nowadays is more complex than ever and many job seekers feel challenged by it. The mature job seekers (55+) feel sometimes at a greater disadvantage especially if they are returning to the workforce after a break. If you think that this describes you, you will find useful job search tips and advice at this workshop. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Thursday, December 21st, from 2:30 – 4:30 pm. The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will offer a special program titled: Open Lab: Get Free Technology Help. Two sessions will be offered at: 2:30 - 3:30 pm, and 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Do you need to setup an email account? Are you having trouble with your email? Do not know how to cut and paste? Do you need help with your resume? Are you having problems applying for a job online? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Thursday, December 21st, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host Kristina Leonardi, who will give a presentation titled: Who Are You and What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life. Kristina will discuss re-assessing who you are and what you should be doing with your life so you can achieve fulfillment on all levels, and at the same time enable you to serve others. Kristina shares with you how she came to form The Women’s Mosaic, and how the tools and lessons she has learned can help you create a more gratifying career and life path for yourself. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Friday, December 22nd, from 9:45 am - 12:00 Noon: The Princeton Public Library and the Professional Service Group of Mercer County will co-host The Annual PSG Holiday BYO Party. Join us for a fun, free session to catch up with members and group leaders. Please feel free to bring your favorite holiday treat to share with others. BYO is optional.Visit the PSG of Mercer County website to learn about the numerous resources available there: http://www. The meeting is at the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542.
The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016-4314, offers an extensive series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Inquiries about programs may be made by calling 917-275-6975, Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm. Click on their link at: calendar?location=65 for a detailed list of upcoming classes. In addition to these great in-person classes, the library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at: 90324. Check them out, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the amount of helpful information awaiting you.
Free Pro Bono Career Coaching. Career Coaching is a PRO BONO / FREE service available to job seekers who wish to focus an existing job search strategy and/or gain insight on how to craft an effective self-marketing plan. Each session is comprised of a 50 minute meeting with a volunteer Job Coach at SIBL's Madison Avenue location. To make an appointment for a PRO BONO / FREE coaching session, please visit:
Please provide your name, phone number, e-mail address, and specific goals. If you do not have an e-mail address, please input when prompted. Once booked, an e-mail confirmation and follow-up reminder will be sent to the e-mail address provided. In addition, you may also receive a courtesy telephone call confirming your appointment. If you have any questions, please contact the Job Search Central Manager at or call 1-212-592-7006.
The Queens Library, New York City: Every month, Queens Library’s Job & Business Academy (JBA) provides our customers with the technology training, small business help, and job-search assistance they need to succeed, all for free. Now, it is easier than ever to find out which classes are being offered. Just check the listings in our monthly brochures. These brochures provide detailed information on the many workshops and programs JBA offers at our community libraries in the areas of Job Search, Technology and Computers, andSmall Business and Entrepreneurship, including a short description of each course and the dates, times, and places it is being offered. To inquire about class registration or make an appointment, please call 1-718-990-8625 or email jobsearchhelp@queenslibrary. org. To read more about our classes, download them here. For more information on the Job and Business Academy, please contact: Tara Lannen-Stanton, Assistant Director - Job and Business Academy at 1-718-990-5102 or
The United Way of Northern New Jersey offers Free Career Coaching. The program provides professionals with an opportunity to learn techniques for success in the workplace and shares local resources for job training. Obtain help with topics such as: Tools to brand yourself, Updating your resume and cover letter, Career networking tips, Techniques to ace your next interview, Strategies for resume distribution, Counseling on alternative career paths, Advice on dressing for success, and Help setting and achieving short and long-term career goals. These one-on-one sessions are by appointment only. Please click on this link for additional details: UW Career Coaching Flyer_2016.pdf. Additional information is available at: newsevents/uwevents_template0. php?event_id=1170&frm= To make an appointment, email Durelle McPherson or call 1.973.993.1160, ext. 210. The meetings are at United Way of Northern New Jersey, Suite 205, 60 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042.
The Westport Public Library, located at 20 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 06880 offers an interesting series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Click on their link at: http://www.westportlibrary. org/events for a detailed list of upcoming events. In addition, many of these informative presentations are recorded and the podcasts can be viewed 24/7, when time allows, at: http://www.westportlibrary. org/digital/podcasts/search- results?podcast_terms= jobseeker. This is a time saving and cost effective way of seeing a great presentation, from the comfort and convenience of your home. Isn’t technology great!
Webinars Featuring Kathy Bernard, a public speaker, career coach, resume writer, and expert LinkedIn profile optimizer who has helped thousands land satisfying careers. Kathy is also the creator of, where you can find career and LinkedIn services and tips. Check out Kathy’s numerous presentations, such as: How to Research and Impress Hiring Companies, Strong Online Identity, Pre-Employment Personality Tests, Negotiating Salary, LinkedIn Boot Camp, Use LinkedIn to Attract Employers, Networking Into A Job, Landing a Job After 40, Business Leads from LinkedIn, Outmaneuver Online Job Applications, How to SHOW and TELL You Are the Best, Mastering Online Job Applications, Mastering Interviews, Tips for Snagging Business on LinkedIn, Transform Your Resume, and Working With Recruiters. To view Kathy’s presentations, Click Here for the Recording & Slides Kathy does a great job with her presentations, I am sure that you will find them most helpful and very informative.
Wednesdays, from 7:30 - 9:15 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair, located at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 73 South Fullerton Avenue (corner of Union Street), Montclair, NJ 07042. A nonsectarian job-search, career-change and support group meets; various speakers deliver on topics such as: recognizing your accomplishments, resumes, and networking. For a schedule of upcoming presentations, click on their link at: http://www., or call (973) 783-3442 for additional information.
Lehigh Valley Professionals (LVP) is a volunteer based networking and support organization for experienced professionals, and veterans who are in job transition. Those interested in membership are encouraged to attend the LVP meetings, scheduled each Friday from 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. at PA CareerLink Lehigh Valley, 1601 Union Boulevard, Allentown, PA. 18109. For more information, please visit -
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Part-time in Central Jersey
Synagogue in Bridgewater area seeking part time administrative assistant with a smiling face and a desire to help. Experience with Microsoft office a must. 20-25 hours/week, flexible schedule. Send resumes to
Elise Prezant
Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties
Friday, December 8, 2017
Quick Thought on Today's News
228,000 new jobs were created in November, 2017.
Unemployment rate stayed around 4.1%.
Salaries remained flat.
That means that, while the pool of available candidates remains low, those willing to pay decent dollars can still make great hires!
Unemployment rate stayed around 4.1%.
Salaries remained flat.
That means that, while the pool of available candidates remains low, those willing to pay decent dollars can still make great hires!
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Teacher Needed
Our client, a private Special Education school in Morris County NJ, needs a Teacher to instruct students with a range of mental health issues as a 12 week leave replacement. Specific subject expertise is not required but must demonstrate patience and compassion in a classroom setting. Bachelors degree in Education needed. Any exp. w/performing arts or art education is nice to have but not essential. Part-time schedule approximately 20 hours per week w/potential for additional hours possible. Resumes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300, ext. 104.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Seasonal Tax Preparer Needed
Experienced Tax Preparer w/3-5 years experience needed to augment our client's full time team for the upcoming tax season. Exp. w/Creative Solutions UltraTax or similar system needed. Must have a degree in Accounting, CPA nice to have. Must be available to work a minimum of 24 hours per week onsite in the Matawan, NJ area. Resumes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Mechanic Needed in NJ!
Well established manufacturer has first shift opportunity for Sr. Maintenance Mechanic w/4+ yrs. exp. in troubleshooting, repair, and maint. of packaging, processing and mixing machines; electrical troubleshooting and repair; CMMS and computer maint.; parts inventory management; regulatory compliance (OSHA, FDA, etc.); building and facility upkeep. HVAC and / or plumbing exp. a plus. Must reside within easy commuting range of Somerset County NJ. Resumes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Excellent HR Opportunity!
HR Professional w/Talent Acquisition expertise needed for growing Central Jersey division of a global corp. MBA or Masters in HR desired. Minimum of 5 years HR experience. Resumes to or call Harold Levin @ 908.508.0300.
Monday, November 6, 2017
SAS Programmer Opportunity
Strong SAS Programming exp. (3-8 yrs.) needed for our client, a research organization. Prior exp. performing data processing on SAS files, modifying existing programs to meet the needs of research team members, and doing some new program development in SAS needed. Prior exposure to insurance or medical data desired. This is a full time, perm opportunity for candidates within reasonable commuting range of the Boston/Cambridge region. Work must be completed 100% at the client's site. All candidates must be able to accept permanent employment immediately (no sponsorship at present). Resunes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300
Accountant Needed
Our client seeks an Accountant w/4-6 yrs. exp. in Accounts Payable, invoicing, payroll, bank reconciliations, reporting and forecasting, etc in the Parsippany NJ area. Knowledge of construction industry and job costing are helpful. Resumes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300.
Teaching Opportunities
Lead Teacher and Teacher Assistants needed for Infant / Toddler classroom on a temp-to- perm basis in Watchung NJ area for modern early childhood learning center. Full and part-time schedules available. Prior experience and/or education in the early childhood environment highly desired. Creativity, warmth, reliability, and professionalism are all essential. Must possess or be able to acquire all state mandated requirements. For further details, submit resumes to or call Harold at 908-508-0300, ext. 104.
November Networking Events
Sundays, from 8:00 – 9:00 am. Every Sunday morning tune into Your Career is Calling on 107.7 FM, The Bronc, an on-campus radio station at Rider University. Host Wanda Elletbrings you the best career advice, no matter what stage your career is in. Whether you are in transition, looking for a better opportunity, or even a college student, Your Career is Calling has you covered. Nearly every single week, they are joined by a special guest to cover a unique topic. Don’t forget to tune into 107.7 FM The Bronc, or 107.7 The Bronc’s free Android and IPhone Apps. Listeners can reach the studio with their questions at 1-877-900-1077. In addition, interesting previous episodes are available at: thebronc/?page_id=356.
Mondays, from 9:00 – 10:00 pm. Call in your job search questions every Monday night to a live Radio Show titled: Own Your Career hosted by Rod Colon, on Blogtalk Radio - ownyourcareer. Dial 1-347-857-3320 with your questions to get proven guidance from the # 1 career coach in the United States, specialized in the 7 Step Job Search and author of the book Win The Race For 21st Century Jobs. Get free coaching with challenges you encounter steering your career in the rough seas of the 21st century job market.
In addition to the great meetings listed below, check out the Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) website at: http://neighbors-helping- or for additional meetings.
Monday, November 6th, from 7:00 am - 9:30 am: The Monday’s @ 7 Group will host Kathy Procario, a Life Coach and Founder of Joyfilled Living, who will give a presentation titled:From Crappy to Happy: Jumpstart Your Joyfilled Life. Kathy's theory is not whether your glass is half full or half empty, but rather, as long as you have a glass, you are way ahead of the game, you can fill it up over and over again. Positive thinking seems easy but, just like a muscle, it needs to be strengthened every day. In a fun, engaging, humorous way, Kathy demonstrates easily implemented exercises that reconnect her audience with their natural state of well-being. They then discover how to lead the joyfilled life they know they were truly meant to live. Meetings are free and open to the public, so bring a friend. For additional information, check the group’s website at or send a message to: The meeting is at the Westport United Methodist Church, 49 Weston Road, Westport, CT 06880 (Exit 42 off the Merritt Parkway).
Monday, November 6th, from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm: Professional Service Group of Central NJ will host will host Steve DiGoia, who will give a presentation titled: This is What You Need to be a Good Public Speaker. Please feel free to forward this note to anyone that you think would benefit from joining us. Or, better yet, just bring them with you. Additional information is available at: PSGCNG meets every Monday, except holidays. The meeting will be at First United Methodist Church of Somerville, 48 West High Street, Somerville, NJ 08876.
Monday, November 6th, from 1:15 - 2:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will offer a special program titled: Job Seekers: Download a Customized Company List for Contacts. Find Companies and Executive contacts for your next job. Search by industry as well as location, size, and sales. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Monday, November 6th, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm: The Bergen Career Networking Community (BCNC) will host an evening of Informal Networking. Employed or seeking career opportunities; become involved in a dynamic professional networking community, essential in today’s economy for career development and professional success. Build relationships; expand your career and network by interacting with valuable and trusted contacts, sharing ideas, best practices, insights and perspectives in the marketplace. Special Announcement: Merrill Rutman will offer free resume coaching at the event. To participate on a first come first served basis, bring your resume. Please call Merrill if you have questions: (201) 447-1664 or email at Please register at: The meeting is at the Woodcliff Lake Hilton, in the Lobby Bar Area, 200 Tice Blvd, Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Monday, November 6th, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. The Fair Lawn Library Job Group (FLJG) will meet and discuss How to Write a Resume. This group will now meet weekly, plus the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. For further information, please contact Rosanna at The meetings will be held in the ESL office on D-level at the Maurice M. Pine Library, 10-01 Fair Lawn Avenue, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410.
Tuesday, November 7th, from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. The Professional Service Group of New Brunswick (PSGNB) will host a free workshop titled: Building the Foundation for a Successful Job Search. We will discuss: 1) Dealing with the emotional side of job loss, 2) Developing your job search plan, and 3) Identifying your transferable skills, strengths, and accomplishments. We will also work on creating your 30 Second commercial and your C.A.R (Challenge, Action, Result) stories. For the schedule and to learn more about the organization and activities visit the website at: The workshops are held at the Kennedy branch of The Piscataway Public Library, 500 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
Tuesday, November 7th, from 7:00 - 8:30 pm: The Newtown Career Networking Group will host Abby Kohut, President of Staffing Symphony, and author of Absolutely Abby's 101 Job Search Secrets, who will give a presentation titled: Earn Your Worth. The best day of your job search may be the day your favorite company calls to offer you the job. To get to that day, a number of steps need to be completed much earlier in the search process. The challenge is these steps are rarely taught, so you end up learning through trial and error. Abby will put you in the driver's seat by sharing the Absolute truth and exposing secrets about:
• Filling out salary questions on applications and in cover letters
• Answering salary questions on phone screens and during interviews
• Determining your worth in the market, and
• Negotiating an offer or better yet, multiple offers
If you want to stop leaving money on the table, you owe it to yourself to attend this event. Take control of your career today. Please RSVP at: For more information, contact the church at 1-215-968-3861 or The meeting is at The Newtown Presbyterian Church, Reception Hall, 25 North Chancellor Street, Newtown, PA 18940.
Tuesday, November 7th, from 7:30 - 9:30 pm: The Career Forum will host Lloyd Feinstein, a career coach, who will give a presentation titled: Advanced Interviewing Skills. For more information, contact Sylvia Velez at 1-908-630-3530 or email The meeting is at the Somerset Hills YMCA, 140 Mt. Airy Rd, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.
Wednesday, November 8th, from 9:30 am - 12:00 noon: The Professional Service Group of Morris County (PSGMC) will host Bill LaChance, a Personal Financial Strategist, who will give a presentation titled: Health Insurance Open Enrollment. Bill will discuss the latest information about this year’s open enrollment period for healthcare insurance. Additional information is available at: The meeting will be at the Parsippany Troy Hills Library, 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
Wednesday, November 8th, from 10:30 am – 12:00 noon: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host Laura Jackson, a UCLA-trained mindfulness facilitator, who will give a presentation titled: Mindfulness for Job Seekers. Learn mindfulness techniques that bring relaxation and effortless focus to challenging situations and relationships. Mindfulness is the practice of bringing full, non-judgmental awareness to the present moment. The struggle of searching for a job can be overwhelming at times. See if the practice of mindfulness meditation and some easy to use on-the-spot techniques can help you during these challenging times. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Wednesday, November 8th, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host a special meeting titled: Healthcare Jobs: What Are They, Where They Are, and How to Get Them. Join us for this panel discussion about careers in the healthcare industry featuring human resources professionals from leading New York City hospitals. Learn how to transfer into this industry from other careers, what skills hiring managers are looking for, and where to find jobs in this field. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Wednesday, November 8th, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host Win Sheffield, a career Coach, who will give a presentation titled:Career Management for Introverts. Do you feel you shouldn’t have to sell yourself? Are you uncomfortable around people who are talking about their accomplishments? Do you find yourself looking for ways to get out of conversations rather than into them? Perhaps instead you find yourself coming up with the answer while the person you are listening to goes on and on or maybe you like to take time to consider your answers. Coach Win Sheffield will discuss ways to move ahead in the face of shyness and reluctance to talk to strangers. The discussion includes: 1) Recognizing how to use our strengths to impress your listener, 2) Using story techniques to address successes obliquely, 3) Structured ways to approach and prepare for conversations, and 4) Career management methods that minimize conversation. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Wednesday, November 8th, from 6:45 - 9:30 pm: The Hillsdale Career Resource Ministry Network Group will be Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Group’s Founding. Although the Speaker and Topic are to be Determined, every November we celebrate the best things about Autumn: Football and Thanksgiving. And this year is no exception. In each of the last two years, we have been honored to welcome a guest speaker who was an alumnus of the NY Giants: Joe Morris in 2015 and Charles Way last year. Both sessions were so well received that this year, we have scheduled another speaker from the NFL. We have been holding off distributing the announcement until we receive final confirmation of our speaker’s appearance, but while we wait for it, we do not want you to think that we had fumbled the scheduling. So stand by for our final meeting reminder note, in which all will be revealed. So think TAILGATE. And bring all of your favorite tailgating foods with you to the meeting. Think FOOTBALL and come dressed in your best football (or any other sports) jersey. And think THANKSGIVING. Because we all have so much to be thankful for, even in times when we may feel we may be struggling. Please feel free to forward this note to anyone that you think would benefit from joining us. Or, better yet, just bring them with you. For additional information, contact: John Carvelli at 1-201-995-7895,, or Janelle Razzino at 1-201-722-3111, The meeting is at St. John the Baptist Church, in the Sheen Room of the Parish Center, at 69 Valley Road, Hillsdale NJ 07642.
Wednesday, November 8th, from 7:30 - 9:15 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair, will host a program titled: Cover Letters, Thank-You Letters and References. The following topics will be discussed: 1) Designing effective cover letters, 2) Telephone etiquette and effective use, and 3) Thank you letters and their place. Additional information is available at: http://www. The meeting is at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 73 South Fullerton Avenue (corner of Union Street), Montclair, NJ 07042.
Thursday, November 9th, from 9:30 - 11:30 am: Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) of New Jersey will host Bob Hoberman, an Executive Search Consultant and Career Coach, who will give a presentation titled: Understanding Company Pain Points and How to Present Yourself as a Problem Solver. Whatever your age, you need to know your strengths and what you want. During this presentation, you will learn:
· How to use research and preparation to identify target companies
· How to understand companies’ most important needs.
· How to convince them you can meet those needs better than anyone else.
Join us to learn how to present yourself as the candidate they must have. Please feel free to forward this note to anyone that you think would benefit from joining us. Or, better yet, just bring them with you. To register, e-mail Meryl Kanner at In case of inclement weather, please call 1-973-674-6330 after 7:30 am. The meeting is at the Aidekman Family Campus, 901 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 07981. Turn right at the sign for Golds’ gym.
Thursday, November 9th, from 2:30 – 4:30 pm. The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will offer a special program titled: Open Lab: Get Free Technology Help. Two sessions will be offered at: 2:30 - 3:30 pm, and 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Do you need to setup an email account? Are you having trouble with your email? Do not know how to cut and paste? Do you need help with your resume? Are you having problems applying for a job online? Curious about Twitter? Bring your technology questions and get one-on-one assistance. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Thursday, November 9th, from 6:30 - 8:00pm: Princeton Public Library will host Information Technology professional David Schuchman to teach the class: Introduction to Websites and Blogging Using Google Blogger (Course 190). Blogger is Google's free tool and platform for creating blogs and websites. It is robust, free to use, includes built-in Google Analytics and his no recurring hosting charges. Learn the benefits of blogging and how to create your own blog or website with this flexible tool. This is a hands-on class that requires a Google/Gmail account and an intermediate computer skill level using a word-processor. Visit the Princeton Public Library website to learn about the numerous resources available there. This class is free to attend, and no library card or pre-registration is required. The meeting will be held at the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542.
Friday, November 10th, from 9:30 - 11:30 am: The Jenkintown Career Networking Group will host Alex Freund, a career and interviewing coach, who will give a presentation titled:Body Language for Interview Success. Are your interviews falling flat, Do you feel no one is listening, Are you unknowingly sending mixed messages. Your body language may qualify or disqualify you for a position. If you are like most people, you probably spend hours preparing for interview questions and answers and no time on how to communicate most effectively. Yet body language is the most significant factor in influencing the interviewer. It is how the interviewer is making judgments and decisions about you. Some say body language is a reflection of your personality, others a measure of your qualifications. However interpreted, science has shown that it is not what you say, but how you say it. More than 55% of communication is non-verbal suggesting it is imperative that it should be a part of your interview preparation. Register at: Networking-Group-in- Montgomery-County-Meetup/ events/237948339/ The meeting is at the William Jeanes Memorial Library, 4051 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hills, PA. 19444
Friday, November 10th, from 9:45 am - 12:00 Noon: The Princeton Public Library and the Professional Service Group of Mercer County will co-host David Schuchman, a Technology Consultant, small business owner and leader of PSG of Mercer County, who will give a presentation titled: How to Work as a Consultant. A consultant is someone who provides skills, service or expert advice to others. For some professionals, this can be a new way to stay busy and earn significant income. Updated with new information, this program highlights the differences between employed vs. contract engagements. And, explains the steps you need to follow to pursue a path to Work as a Consultant. Visit the PSG of Mercer County website to learn about the numerous resources available there: http://www. The meeting is at the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542.
Saturday, November 11th, from 7:30 - 10:15 am: The Breakfast Club will host: Bill LaChance, a Personal Financial Strategist, who will give a presentation titled: Key Financial Planning Considerations for Those in a Career Transition. This presentation will cover a number of strategies to consider helping with cash flow during a career transition. The focus will be on those strategies that may not be well known or understood. Topics will include: Medical Insurance through the Affordable Care Act, Tax implications of 401k/403b rollovers and withdrawals, Tax deductibility of job hunting expenses, Strategies to take advantage of lower marginal tax rates during a transition and potential adjustments to financial aid. Be sure to tell your friends and bring them along. There is a $10 fee at the door to cover the cost of the room. The meeting is at the Days Hotel Conference Center, 195 Rt. 18 South, East Brunswick, NJ 08816.
Saturday, November 11th, from 9:45 - 11:45 am: My Career Transitions will host Pennie Simmons, who will give a presentation titled: Putting Your Best Foot Forward in Your Job Search. Showcasing your best self in your job search is critical to finding and landing your next career opportunity. But exactly what steps can you take to make sure you are putting your best foot forward? Understanding and communicating with different personality types is critical to a positive networking experience and achieving successful interview results. Find out as we delve into personal preferences and styles and get a step-by-step guide to interview preparation during our November career event. By attending this event, you will learn:
· About the 4 DISC Personality Types to get to know yourself better – and understand the styles and preferences of recruiters and interviewers.
· How to successfully interact with different personality types.
· Valuable guidance to prepare for successful interviews – both physically and mentally.
· How to present yourself during an interview as an exceptional candidate and how to address challenging questions, and
· Important steps to take when following up after your interview and how to debrief your performance.
For more information please click here: Registration will end at noon on Friday, October 13th. Please note that new member orientation starts at 8:30 am, in rooms 205-206. The meeting is at Penn State Great Valley Campus, 30 East Swedesford Road, Malvern, PA 19355, in Rooms 130 and 131, Main Building on the right.
The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016-4314, offers an extensive series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Inquiries about programs may be made by calling 917-275-6975, Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm. Click on their link at: calendar?location=65 for a detailed list of upcoming classes. In addition to these great in-person classes, the library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at: . Check them out, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the amount of helpful information awaiting you.
Free Pro Bono Career Coaching. Career Coaching is a PRO BONO / FREE service available to job seekers who wish to focus an existing job search strategy and/or gain insight on how to craft an effective self-marketing plan. Each session is comprised of a 50 minute meeting with a volunteer Job Coach at SIBL's Madison Avenue location. To make an appointment for a PRO BONO / FREE coaching session, please visit:
Please provide your name, phone number, e-mail address, and specific goals. If you do not have an e-mail address, please input when prompted. Once booked, an e-mail confirmation and follow-up reminder will be sent to the e-mail address provided. In addition, you may also receive a courtesy telephone call confirming your appointment. If you have any questions, please contact the Job Search Central Manager at or call 1-212-592-7006.
The Queens Library, New York City: Every month, Queens Library’s Job & Business Academy (JBA) provides our customers with the technology training, small business help, and job-search assistance they need to succeed, all for free. Now, it is easier than ever to find out which classes are being offered. Just check the listings in our monthly brochures. These brochures provide detailed information on the many workshops and programs JBA offers at our community libraries in the areas of Job Search, Technology and Computers, andSmall Business and Entrepreneurship, including a short description of each course and the dates, times, and places it is being offered. To inquire about class registration or make an appointment, please call 1-718-990-8625 or email jobsearchhelp@queenslibrary. org. To read more about our classes, download them here. For more information on the Job and Business Academy, please contact: Tara Lannen-Stanton, Assistant Director - Job and Business Academy at 1-718-990-5102 or
The United Way of Northern New Jersey offers Free Career Coaching. The program provides professionals with an opportunity to learn techniques for success in the workplace and shares local resources for job training. Obtain help with topics such as: Tools to brand yourself, Updating your resume and cover letter, Career networking tips, Techniques to ace your next interview, Strategies for resume distribution, Counseling on alternative career paths, Advice on dressing for success, and Help setting and achieving short and long-term career goals. These one-on-one sessions are by appointment only. Please click on this link for additional details: UW Career Coaching Flyer_2016.pdf. Additional information is available at: newsevents/uwevents_template0. php?event_id=1170&frm= To make an appointment, email Durelle McPherson or call 1.973.993.1160, ext. 210. The meetings are at United Way of Northern New Jersey, Suite 205, 60 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042.
The Westport Public Library, located at 20 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 06880 offers an interesting series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Click on their link at: http://www.westportlibrary. org/events for a detailed list of upcoming events. In addition, many of these informative presentations are recorded and the podcasts can be viewed 24/7, when time allows, at: http://www.westportlibrary. org/digital/podcasts/search- results?podcast_terms= jobseeker. This is a time saving and cost effective way of seeing a great presentation, from the comfort and convenience of your home. Isn’t technology great!
Webinars Featuring Kathy Bernard, a public speaker, career coach, resume writer, and expert LinkedIn profile optimizer who has helped thousands land satisfying careers. Kathy is also the creator of, where you can find career and LinkedIn services and tips. Check out Kathy’s numerous presentations, such as: How to Research and Impress Hiring Companies, Strong Online Identity, Pre-Employment Personality Tests, Negotiating Salary, LinkedIn Boot Camp, Use LinkedIn to Attract Employers, Networking Into A Job, Landing a Job After 40, Business Leads from LinkedIn, Outmaneuver Online Job Applications, How to SHOW and TELL You Are the Best, Mastering Online Job Applications, Mastering Interviews, Tips for Snagging Business on LinkedIn, Transform Your Resume, and Working With Recruiters. To view Kathy’s presentations, Click Here for the Recording & Slides Kathy does a great job with her presentations, I am sure that you will find them most helpful and very informative.
Tuesdays, from 9:30 - 11:30 am. Job Search Work Team, located at Willow Grove Presbyterian Church, 1961 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains, NJ. Focus is on job seekers sharing with each other in open conversation topics on which they need help, or topics on where they can share their expertise on what has worked in their search and what has not. Once a quarter, the meeting moves to a Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. to allow alumni to share and connect with current attendees. For additional information call Tony Calabrese at1-201-306-9811.
Wednesdays, from 7:30 - 9:15 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair, located at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 73 South Fullerton Avenue (corner of Union Street), Montclair, NJ 07042. A nonsectarian job-search, career-change and support group meets; various speakers deliver on topics such as: recognizing your accomplishments, resumes, and networking. For a schedule of upcoming presentations, click on their link at: http://www., or call (973) 783-3442 for additional information.
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