Monday, August 18, 2008


New Name / Same Place
Chubb Institute was sold several years back to Hitech yet retained its name with a disclaimer that it was no longer affiliated with Chubb Insurance. Now, Chubb is following in the footsteps of Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools, The Cittone Institute, and others and becoming Acclaim Institute.

SAP BW R/3 anyone?
I have a client desperate for a full time Business Analyst with those skills in northern NJ. Please contact me if interested at

Check Your Phone Numbers!!
As a recruiter, I detest people who don't take the time to check contact information on their resumes. In the past week, I have seen at least a half dozen each of wrong phone numbers and incorrect email addresses. Most employers ask for candidates who pay close attention to detail. You make a lasting impression when your resume directs hiring managers and recruiters to the wrong person or an invalid number. Please be careful!!

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