Monday, November 10, 2008

Do Not Become Complacent!

I recently met with some people who feel they are underemployed. Most seemed appreciative of the fact they are earning some level of income but all realize how important it is to keep looking upward. Obviously, some employment is better than none but please do not lower your bar so low that the transitional situation becomes the norm for you. Many employers will look favorably upon the fact you are working but will become wary if you stay in that role too long.

How long is too long? I would say that you have been there too long when you start applying for jobs that are lateral positions to the one you are presently holding rather than those that are at least one rung up the ladder! For example, if you were a VP of Sales and got laid off, you might have taken a Sales Associate post to keep working. After months of being turned down for VP jobs, you might start to look at other Sales Associate jobs if the compensation is slightly higher. Be careful! The more appropriate move would be to apply for Sales Manager or Team Leader opportunities to show some upward mobility! Good luck!!

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