Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Dreaded Reference Check!

Reference checks seem to be taking on more significance as the job market grows tougher. For some reason, companies are starting to ask for this to be done even before a resume is submitted by a recruiting firm. Other than slowing down the process (which could be by design), I am not sure how valuable a tool this is. Anyone could and will say nice things in most cases because either they want to help the candidate secure their next job or they do not want to be sued for causing the candidate to be rejected. Have you ever had a call from one of these reference checking agencies? Half the time, the caller ended the conversation without asking me any decent questions.

Unfortunately, this is reality at least for now. Make sure you keep your reference list updated with proper contact information and keep in touch with these folks to make sure they are still ready, willing, able to help you!

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