Saturday, August 1, 2009

August Already?

The despicable weather in the northeast sure has made us forget about summer. My gardens are swamped, weeds are thriving, plants are rotting, yet somehow, I have picked everything from lettuce to beans, squash and peppers. Tomatoes are crawling along and a few cucumbers have survived the mushy terrain.

Come to think of it, this kind of sounds like our economy right now! It is hard to get excited about a Cash for Clunkers program that died in less than a week, a Stimulus Plan that is feeding millionaire bankers, or a health plan that cannot even get unanimous support from the majority members.

Light seems to be finally approaching the end of the tunnel as i have actually been working on a few permanent searches to go along with my already reasonably steady contract accounts. While way too many of my valued clients are still hanging on for dear life, some are starting to feel a touch better about the future.

My advice to both client companies and job seekers is simple. August is always challenging as so many folks take time off (not me!) but staying focused on success could lead to a rewarding September!

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