Tuesday, November 30, 2010


  • I am still amazed at how few candidates return phone calls and/or answer emails about potential job opportunities.
  • We all must remember that employment is a privilege which may be easily taken away if the employer feels someone is not following instructions or attempting to bypass proper channels.
  • While jobs are starting to pop up here and there, pay rates remain very low.
  • Unemployment benefit extensions look to have hit the end of their run meaning more folks to enter the workforce.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Small Business Saturday

Did you burn out shopping yesterday at big box stores and overcrowded (not to mention overpriced) malls? I kept my day relatively short but plan on visiting several local, privately owned businesses today as part of Small Business Saturday, a new event promoted by American Express. When the chips are down, small businesses usually come through and today is your chance to show them you appreciate them being there!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Commitment is a key part of a job search. One must commit to a certain amount of time each day for the process then stick to the plan. It is okay, especially if you are still somewhat employed, to say that you will search certain days but skip others so long as you do what you say you will each and every week.

Commitment also means keeping your appointments with unemployment office counselors, support groups, contacts who offer you help, etc. Not showing up for a meeting, even if it is only for some free advice, shows a lack of interest in improving your situation. Professionals will not recommend you to their colleagues if they doubt that you will followed through as you could endanger their reputations and they will not risk such an occurrence.

Commitment is crucial to your future success. Make sure you understand and subscribe to this before beginning your quest for a better future!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I could care less about an upcoming royal wedding (don't know which prince
it is or his fiance's name)!
I have never watched Dancing with the Stars and am tired of headlines about Bristol Palin's success and/or the ballot stuffing campaign her mom allegedly started.

By the way, why is it headline news that the Palin's have a reality TV

NPR had the story of someone named Eve Longoria getting divorced from same athlete as the second report on their hourly newscast. Who is Eve Longoria and why is she important?

I do care that the job market is still plodding along and would like to
here more about why this is so.

I am very concerned about fuel prices rising at a time when people need to hit the road to spend whatever shopping dollars they have available.

I am very troubled that Congress may spend the year in virtual deadlocks on
key issues.

The fact the U.S. (and most of the world) seems to operate under knee jerk procedures rather than having a master plan needs to be covered by the media.

Okay, now is your chance to tell me if I am right or just simply going nuts!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Health care reform is a rather confusing topic that I am trying to better understand. Please share your experiences, either as an employee or employer, with health insurance issues as we approach a new enrollment year. I am curious to learn what is going on out there with plan options, co-pays, etc.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Quick Thoughts

While enjoying a short lunch break at my desk today, a few thoughts crossed my mind.
~If you have been out of work for two or more years, you would be nuts to reject an inquiry about a job paying barely 5% less than the job you were last employed at.
~Many companies are starting to tie bonus plans into compensation packages. It is fair to ask what the average award will be for the current year to get a rough idea of what you might expect.
~Be ready to show a few accomplishments from each of your last 2 or 3 jobs if asked for them by potential employers.
Lunch break is over! Have a good week!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jobs Available-Contact Me!

All of a sudden, things are starting to move a bit and I am sharing several current opportunities with you. Please reply to me via this blog, LinkedIn, Twitter (@PlacementHarold), email:hblevin58@gmail.com or harold@smartstaff.jobs and I will be in touch!
  1. Vice President of Software Quality Engineering (perm) for a major publisher in Bergen County NJ
  2. Sales Manager (perm) for a large food distributor in North/Central NJ
  3. Pro-E Design Engineer (contract) for a medical device company in Bergen County
  4. Market Research Analyst (perm) and .Net developer for a market media software firm in NYC
  5. Systems Analyst with OBIEE (perm) for a publisher in Bergen County
  6. Excel guru to convert reports from SAP to Excel in a Supply Chain environment (temp-to-perm) in Passaic County NJ
  7. CNC Machinists and QA Inspectors (temp-to-perm) with medical device industry background in Bergen County
  8. Maintenance Specialist with heavy industrial background including electric, plumbing, machine shop repairs, hydraulics, pneumatics, etc. (perm) for a manufacturer in Morris County NJ

Saturday, November 6, 2010

No Excuses Allowed!

I am not sending out resumes until after the holidays because no
one will look at them now.

Nobody does much hiring in the winter so I guess I will wait until it warms up again.

Who knows what will happen now that the elections are over. I better wait and see before I continue job searching.

No one appreciates experience anymore and I am NOT settling for less money than I made before I got laid off in 2008.


For the first time in a very long time, clients are beginning to chat about jobs such as VP of Software QA, Manager of Sales and Marketing, Partner-level Attorneys, etc. Are they hiring in great numbers? Not just yet. Are they paying top dollar? Absolutely not. Do they seem serious about starting to rebuild diminished work forces? Yes!

If there was ever reason to kick your search process up a notch, I think there is plenty enough right now. Please wake up, stop making excuses to wait a bit longer, and get in position just in case this is not a false alarm!!