Sunday, November 21, 2010


I could care less about an upcoming royal wedding (don't know which prince
it is or his fiance's name)!
I have never watched Dancing with the Stars and am tired of headlines about Bristol Palin's success and/or the ballot stuffing campaign her mom allegedly started.

By the way, why is it headline news that the Palin's have a reality TV

NPR had the story of someone named Eve Longoria getting divorced from same athlete as the second report on their hourly newscast. Who is Eve Longoria and why is she important?

I do care that the job market is still plodding along and would like to
here more about why this is so.

I am very concerned about fuel prices rising at a time when people need to hit the road to spend whatever shopping dollars they have available.

I am very troubled that Congress may spend the year in virtual deadlocks on
key issues.

The fact the U.S. (and most of the world) seems to operate under knee jerk procedures rather than having a master plan needs to be covered by the media.

Okay, now is your chance to tell me if I am right or just simply going nuts!

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