Sunday, February 20, 2011


Carly Simon and Heinz Ketchup made this song famous a long time ago but I keep hearing it in my head all too often. Currently, I am searching for a contract recruiter for one of my clients which has given me the opportunity to chat with many contemporaries in the last few days. Just about every conversation has migrated to how slow the decision making process has become for even short term positions.

To candidates, all I can say is it takes more time than usual right now to get a job offer. If someone is dragging there feet and another company offers a job, do not delay very long. Call the first company, tell them you have an offer and, if you do not get a quick and firm offer, take the other one before it is gone.

To hiring managers, I understand the hoops you have to go through to get an offer approved but remember that good things do not last forever. Also, even though many people re unemployed, take a realistic look at the pool of candidates you are working with and see if you could afford to lose your top person. Candidates cannot and will not wait forever so do your best to speed up the process.

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