The same could be said about unemployed job seekers. It is important, of course, to stay on track with your job hunting routine. However, some mental and physical breaks are essential to keep your head clear and your positive energy flowing! Consider putting at least 30-45 minutes into your daily schedule to take a walk, bike ride, swim, etc. Also, find at least 30 minutes to read a book, magazine, or newspaper (not online media as you are likely doing that all day!) and perhaps visit the library, a local park, etc. a few times a week to break up the monotony. It is important to appear fresh, enthusiastic, and eager to work without looking anxious, worn out, and frustrated.
As hard as it might seem, positive thinking is really critical to a successful job search. If you need help achieving this difficult balance, seek out friends, former colleagues, teachers, clergy people, or a career coach to get you aimed in the right direction!