Please do not embed these words in your brain before heading to a meeting with your employer as the results many not be so good and they might set you free to join the birds and bees. Some folks I have chatted with have discussed the need for huge raises or they are going to look elsewhere for a new job. Envision a large, red stop sign and cool those heels quickly! Look around you, both at your workplace and among friends and family. I bet if you take a good hard look, you will find that most received little or no raises in the past 3-4 years.
Friends, we are still in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Have you noticed that doctor's offices seem slower than ever, retail stores have reduced hours and seem to have less cashier stations open on a normal day, signs advertising available space may be found at almost every industrial park and office complex?
Most employers simply do not have a ton of flexibility in their budgets right now. Even if someone makes you an incredible offer to switch companies, I highly recommend doing a ton of research to make sure the firm is well funded, has a history of retaining staff, has a healthy client list, etc. before making a move. Grass is not always greener and the other side and money might not be the best motivator right now.
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