Mr. Roosevelt certainly made some bold promises during his campaign AND followed through on most of them even though there were some very painful measures involved. Desperate times (and yes I feel we are in such a state right now) call for gutsy leadership and decision making even if it involves stepping on toes and alienating certain constituencies like oil companies and insurance companies.
Certainly the WPA went a long way toward creating jobs and repairing our nation and we need something similar to pump some life into the economy. Of course the NY/NJ region had such a project until a very tenacious governor decided to end it and leave an unfinished rubble heap earlier this year. It was hard to get too upset with him, even though I believe such projects are much needed, because he could not find the funds needed to keep moving.
FDR was gutsy and really did not care if he won any popularity contests as long as he started repairing his nation step by step. We need new jobs established here, more manufacturing and commerce on U.S. soil, and support from all branches of government coupled with a commitment from our largest corporations to invest in our future and we need it now. Whoever has the guts to put some real protein into their platform will get my vote in 2012!
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