Sunday, December 25, 2011

No Need For Secrets!

Whenever someone in my community becomes unemployed, it is common for mutual acquaintances to connect them with me so I may help them from a coaching and/or staffing perspective to get back on their feet. Sometimes, I feel capable of assisting them but other times I might make suggestions of other resources to utilize. In either case, I am always ready and willing to listen and lend whatever support is possible.

For some reason, I have noticed over the past several months that a growing number of recently unemployed people seem to be maintaining shockingly low profiles, almost to the point of being secretive, and not letting others know they need help and support. Discussions with colleagues have led me to the conclusion that this problem exists outside my small circle and seems to be a growing tendency.

Questions have popped up in my terribly overcrowded mind, some of which might make more sense than others. Are people content to remain unemployed until all financial resources are exhausted? Could they be embarrassed to let others know they are out of work? Is there a fear that, by telling others they are job hunting, they will feel compelled to follow-up on every lead even if they do not seem logical? Do they simply not care enough about their immediate future? Is there a false sense of security that someone will knock on their door with the perfect job opportunity?

Sadly, I believe the answer as to which of the questions is the most likely answer would be All of the Above. When you are forced out of your current position, it is critical to network with everyone you know as quickly as possible. Keep in mind, nobody will be able to assist you if they do not know you need their help!

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