Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some Distinguished Men!

My recent posts have been rather heavy duty and definitely stimulated some interesting commentary.  Thanks to my daughter, tonight's entry is a bit different.  Those who know me well are aware that in addition to my passions related to the placement and career coaching fields, I devote a bit of time to coordinating high school marching band competitions where I get to interact with very talented performers, their terrific teachers, and extremely supportive parents.  Band participation has been part of my life since elementary school and helped me through some rough times academically because of the discipline and time management it instilled in me and I saw it do the same for my daughter and scores of other young people.

Tonight, my daughter introduced me to a group of unique performers who made their way to television, the Distinguished Men of Brass  - -and I instantly became a huge fan.  They caught my attention not only because they are very talented and entertaining.  From what I have been able to dig up, D'MO Brass was formed from a group of performers who were the house band at Busch Gardens in Tampa for about 30 years before the park laid them off.  They added a few new faces and regrouped, practicing daily and getting bookings wherever possible eventually making it to America's Got Talent.  When asked to tell their story, the leader proclaimed that when they all found themselves out of work they decided to find a way to stay strong and get back to work.

YouTube is loaded with various videos of D'MO Brass.  I encourage anyone who needs a pick-me-up in these extremely difficult times to check them out.  This group has found a way to create their own, very unique, silver lining!

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