Thursday, November 3, 2016

Make The Offer Quickly!

I began working in the staffing field back when Ronald Reagan was President of the U.S.  That was a very long time ago but things gave not changed all that much!  Employers still struggle making hiring decisions in a timely fashion causing them to risk losing great people to other offers from faster paced organizations.
Countless times, I have been told the hiring manager really likes a candidate but wants to a) see other people; b) needs to have two or three higher level managers meet the candidate; or c) simply needs time think before offering a job.  At least 75% of the time, candidates either get tired of waiting and decide there is not enough interest from the company to really want to work there or they receive a better offer from a different company while waiting for the first one to materialize.  Needless to say, if you really think a candidate can help your company be more successful, make the offer immediately before you lose them.

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