Tuesday, July 25th from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm. The Professional Service Group of New Brunswick (PSGNB) will host a free workshop titled:Building the Foundation for a Successful Job Search. We will discuss: 1) Dealing with the emotional side of job loss, 2) Developing your job search plan, and 3) Identifying your transferable skills, strengths, and accomplishments. We will also work on creating your 30 Second commercial and your C.A.R (Challenge, Action, Result) stories. For the schedule and to learn more about the organization and activities visit the website at:PSGNB.org. The workshops are held at the Kennedy branch of The Piscataway Public Library, 500 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
Tuesday, July 25th, from 1:15 - 2:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will offer a program titled: Career Resources. Explore job/career resources available at the Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL) and other public sites; Find industry and career advice, resume guides and more. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Tuesday, July 25th, from 1:30 - 2:30 pm: Free webinar featuring Lisa Rangel, president of Chameleon Resumes, who will give a presentation titled: How to Design a Powerful Executive Resume to Land Interviews and Get Offer. Lisa will demonstrate: 1) Achievement-oriented language that places emphasis on your accomplishments and the undeniable value you bring to any organization smart enough to hire you, 2) Targeted keywords make it easy for recruiters to identify you in databases and on social media platforms, where they will be looking, and 3) It is structured for the recruiter's brain, taking into account the way hiring managers evaluate candidates and make decisions. Click here to learn more and register now for the session you would like to attend!
Tuesday, July 25th, from 7:30 - 9:30 pm: The Career Forum will host Susan Mach, of Mach Creative Services, who will give a presentation titled:Practical Tips For Navigating The 21st Century Job Market. For more information, contact Sylvia Velez at 1-908-630-3530 or emailsvelez@somersethillsymca.org. The meeting is at the Somerset Hills YMCA, 140 Mt. Airy Rd, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.
Wednesday, July 26th, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host Kristina Leonardi, who will give a presentation titled: Staying Motivated Throughout the Job Search Process. Looking for a job can be a long, arduous journey that requires much time and patience, especially in this economy, to see results. Staying positive and motivated throughout the process can make you a less stressed and a more effective applicant, which can in turn accelerate the outcomes you desire. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Wednesday, July 26th, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm: Beacon Networking Social, formerly GPSEG, invites you to an After Hours Social. Come for an evening of intelligent conversation, business networking, reconnecting with good friends, or making new ones. This is a great way for working members to keep in touch and meet the many new members. We invite other executive level networking groups such as: ChemPharma, FENG,IERG, MENG, NJ-SENG, and TENG. No RSVP or registration is needed, and there is no cost to attend. The group generally meets the last Monday of the month, or the prior week if the last Monday is a holiday. We skip December. The meeting is at the Wyndham Hamilton Park Hotel, 175 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932.
Wednesday, July 26th, from 7:30 - 9:15 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair, will host a program titled: Research for Targeting Your Job Search. Job targets are a way to focus your search on a few segments of the labor market where you are more likely to be hired to do the work you would prefer. Targeting can significantly improve your job search in three ways: helping you determine the approximate size of your job market, creating momentum by concentrating your activities, and managing the pace of your job search campaign. Learn how to: 1) Identify industries and companies, 2) Consider company culture and size, 3) Develop a plan of action, and 4) Find the right fit with an organization. Additional information is available at: http://www. jobseekersofmontclair.org/. The meeting is at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 73 South Fullerton Avenue (corner of Union Street), Montclair, NJ 07042.
Thursday, July 27th, from 1:30 - 2:30 pm: Free webinar featuring Lisa Rangel, president of Chameleon Resumes, who will give a presentation titled: How to Design a Powerful Executive Resume to Land Interviews and Get Offer. Lisa will demonstrate: 1) Achievement-oriented language that places emphasis on your accomplishments and the undeniable value you bring to any organization smart enough to hire you, 2) Targeted keywords make it easy for recruiters to identify you in databases and on social media platforms, where they will be looking, and 3) It is structured for the recruiter's brain, taking into account the way hiring managers evaluate candidates and make decisions. Click here to learn more and register now for the session you would like to attend!
Thursday, July 27th, from 2:00 - 4:30 pm: The New York Science, Industry and Business Library will host Sherry Natkow, who will give a presentation titled: Critique Your Resume. Are your resumes getting you interviews? Are you submitting the same resume for each job posting? Successful job-seekers customize their resume for each position in order to let hiring managers know immediately that they are a good fit. Learn how to incorporate the language from a job posting into a Keyword-rich Summary. Participants must bring a current resume and 2 job postings. Pre-registration is required. Interested participants must email Sherry Natkow at snatkow@job-prep.com to enroll and receive additional information. The meeting is at the New York Science, Industry and Business Library, 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Friday, July 28th from 9:30 - 11:30 am: The Jenkintown Career Networking Group will host Rick Tashmen who will give a presentation titled:Mastering the Art of Networking and Network. This interactive workshop covers the strategies, philosophies and tactics to enjoy and be more effective in networking. The program deals with exercises to eliminate anxiety and develop confidence in making meaningful connections. Attendees will develop lifetime habits to develop strong business and personal relationships. This session/presentation will highlight and cover the how and whys of effective networking. By attending, you will learn:
· How to break the ice
· How to politely disengage
· Benefits of a wingman
· Achieve meaningful specific goals, and
· How to grow brief encounters into meaningful relationships
Please register at: https://www.meetup.com/Career- Networking-Group-in- Montgomery-County-Meetup/ events/240551187/. The meeting is at the William Jeanes Memorial Library, 4051 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hills, PA. 19444
Friday, July 28th from 9:45 am - 12:00 Noon: The Princeton Public Library and the Professional Service Group of Mercer County will co-host Alex Freund, a career and interviewing coach, who will give a presentation titled: LinkedIn: It's About Being Found. In today's market, a LinkedIn profile is a must have for any professional or jobseeker, as more than 90% of companies use LinkedIn to identify or vet a candidate. But having a profile is not enough; it is ALL about being found. This highly interactive session is designed to help you understand the dynamics of LinkedIn and how to position yourself for success. If you cannot be found, you cannot be considered for a position. There are a number of reasons why your profile might not appear in a search. Alex will reveal how to break through these impediments so that YOU make a recruiter's search list. And not all components of your LinkedIn profile are created equal. In this presentation, you will learn which elements of your profile weigh more heavily in searches and which sections require your attention first. Alex will provide tips and easy-to-use tools that you can use right away to optimize your profile, giving you a distinct competitive advantage. Few spend much time cultivating their headline, often inserting their last job title. But this important piece of real estate is how viewers define you, often within seconds. Learn how to structure a strong, compelling headline that has the viewer wanting to learn more about YOU. During this session, participants will: 1) Evaluate the role of LinkedIn in a job search, 2) Understand how to structure their profile to be found, 3) Learn how to address job transitions and unemployment, 4) Experience a recruiter's view of a candidate, 5) Distinguish an optimized profile from a poor one, and 6) Acquire free tools and techniques to create a stand out profile. Visit the PSG of Mercer County website to learn about the numerous resources available there. The meeting is at the Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542.
Monday, July 31st, from 7:00 am - 9:30 am: The Monday’s @ 7 Group will host Gilda Bonanno, who will give a presentation titled: Developing Leadership Presence: Confidence, Competence and Composure. To be successful as a leader, you have to know what you are talking about, come across as credible, demonstrate confidence without being perceived as cocky and maintain your self-control, especially under pressure. Whether you are setting strategic direction, managing change or leading people, you will achieve your goals if you can calmly and confidently tap into your knowledge and communicate clearly. You will learn how to:
• Communicate like a leader and be authentic, engaging and focused
• Prevent your non-verbal communication from undermining your message
• Demonstrate your expertise and establish credibility, and
• Discover how to react quickly and effectively to the unexpected
Meetings are free and open to the public, so bring a friend. For additional information, check the group’s website at http://www.mondaysat7.org/ or send a message to: Mondaysseven@gmail.com. The meeting is at the Westport United Methodist Church, 49 Weston Road, Westport, CT 06880(Exit 42 off the Merritt Parkway).
Monday, July 31st, from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm: Professional Service Group of Central NJ will host will host Maria Heidkamp, Director of The New Start Career Network, who will give a presentation titled: New Start Career Network: Helping Older, Long-term Unemployed Job Seekers. The New Start Career Network focuses on helping individuals who have been unemployed over a year and are over the age of 45. Maria will tell us about the New Start Career Network, and how the free programs it offers help older, long-term unemployed job seekers. Additional information is available at: www.psgcnj.biz. PSGCNG meets every Monday, except holidays. The meeting will be at First United Methodist Church of Somerville, 48 West High Street, Somerville, NJ 08876.
The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016-4314, offers an extensive series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Inquiries about programs may be made by calling 917-275-6975, Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm. Click on their link at: http://www.nypl.org/events/ calendar?location=65 for a detailed list of upcoming classes. In addition to these great in-person classes, the library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at: http://www.nypl.org/node/90324 . Check them out, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the amount of helpful information awaiting you.
Free Pro Bono Career Coaching. Career Coaching is a PRO BONO / FREE service available to job seekers who wish to focus an existing job search strategy and/or gain insight on how to craft an effective self-marketing plan. Each session is comprised of a 50 minute meeting with a volunteer Job Coach at SIBL's Madison Avenue location. To make an appointment for a PRO BONO / FREE coaching session, please visit:
Please provide your name, phone number, e-mail address, and specific goals. If you do not have an e-mail address, please inputnoemail@email.com when prompted. Once booked, an e-mail confirmation and follow-up reminder will be sent to the e-mail address provided. In addition, you may also receive a courtesy telephone call confirming your appointment. If you have any questions, please contact the Job Search Central Manager at jscnypl@nypl.org or call 1-212-592-7006.
The Queens Library, New York City: Every month, Queens Library’s Job & Business Academy (JBA) provides our customers with the technology training, small business help, and job-search assistance they need to succeed, all for free. Now, it is easier than ever to find out which classes are being offered. Just check the listings in our monthly brochures. These brochures provide detailed information on the many workshops and programs JBA offers at our community libraries in the areas of Job Search, Technology and Computers, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship, including a short description of each course and the dates, times, and places it is being offered. To inquire about class registration or make an appointment, please call 1-718-990-8625 or email jobsearchhelp@queenslibrary. org. To read more about our classes, download them here. For more information on the Job and Business Academy, please contact: Tara Lannen-Stanton, Assistant Director - Job and Business Academy at 1-718-990-5102 or tstanton@queenslibrary.org
The United Way of Northern New Jersey offers Free Career Coaching. The program provides professionals with an opportunity to learn techniques for success in the workplace and shares local resources for job training. Obtain help with topics such as: Tools to brand yourself, Updating your resume and cover letter, Career networking tips, Techniques to ace your next interview, Strategies for resume distribution, Counseling on alternative career paths, Advice on dressing for success, and Help setting and achieving short and long-term career goals. These one-on-one sessions are by appointment only. Please click on this link for additional details: UW Career Coaching Flyer_2016.pdf. Additional information is available at: http://www.unitedwaynnj.org/ newsevents/uwevents_template0. php?event_id=1170&frm= To make an appointment, email Durelle McPherson or call 1.973.993.1160, ext. 210. The meetings are at United Way of Northern New Jersey, Suite 205, 60 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair, NJ 07042.
The Westport Public Library, located at 20 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 06880 offers an interesting series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Click on their link at: http://www.westportlibrary. org/events for a detailed list of upcoming events. In addition, many of these informative presentations are recorded and the podcasts can be viewed 24/7, when time allows, at: http://www.westportlibrary. org/digital/podcasts/search- results?podcast_terms= jobseeker. This is a time saving and cost effective way of seeing a great presentation, from the comfort and convenience of your home. Isn’t technology great!
Webinars Featuring Kathy Bernard, a public speaker, career coach, resume writer, and expert LinkedIn profile optimizer who has helped thousands land satisfying careers. Kathy is also the creator of WiserU.com, where you can find career and LinkedIn services and tips. Check out Kathy’s numerous presentations, such as: How to Research and Impress Hiring Companies, Strong Online Identity, Pre-Employment Personality Tests, Negotiating Salary, LinkedIn Boot Camp, Use LinkedIn to Attract Employers, Networking Into A Job, Landing a Job After 40, Business Leads from LinkedIn, Outmaneuver Online Job Applications, How to SHOW and TELL You Are the Best, Mastering Online Job Applications, Mastering Interviews, Tips for Snagging Business on LinkedIn, Transform Your Resume, and Working With Recruiters. To view Kathy’s presentations, Click Here for the Recording & Slides Kathy does a great job with her presentations, I am sure that you will find them most helpful and very informative.
Wednesdays, from 7:30 - 9:15 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair, located at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 73 South Fullerton Avenue (corner of Union Street), Montclair, NJ 07042. A nonsectarian job-search, career-change and support group meets; various speakers deliver on topics such as: recognizing your accomplishments, resumes, and networking. For a schedule of upcoming presentations, click on their link at: http://www. jobseekersofmontclair.org/, or call (973) 783-3442 for additional information.
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