Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties is offering 2 groups in January. The first is a Job Seekers Success Group for active job seekers who are unemployed, underemployed or seeking a career change. The next group will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at JFS, 150-A West High Street, Somerville, NJ.
The topic for this session is “SMART Moves for 2020” presented by Terrence Seamon, Career Transition Consultant, The Ayers Group. Moving your career ahead depends on a few critical things. He calls them "SMART Moves." In this highly interactive workshop, we will explore these vital elements, including: What does it means to be "in Sales & Marketing?" What activities will bring you the best return on your time and effort? How can you handle and use rejection? Do you know how to build a support team to aid you in reaching your goal? What do the most proactive job seekers and career changers do in today's challenging job market? How can you increase your effectiveness? Learn the skills of highly effective career transitioners and how you can achieve your goals and address obstacles and challenges more effectively. Start making "SMART moves" and achieve more success in your professional and personal life!
Don’t miss this session where you can expand your network, make new friends, share knowledge with your peers, and hear highly relevant and beneficial insights and perspectives on today's challenging job market.
A Foundations of Success Workshops and Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties invites all women to a program on Friday, January 17, 2020 from 10:00 am-12:00 noon at JFS, 150-A West High Street, Somerville, NJ. “Resilience” will be presented by Jeanne Rohach, Coordinator & Facilitator, Foundations of Success Workshops, Dress for Success Northern NJ - 10 Counties
A state of well-being is needed every day in order to withstand the pressures of raising a family, experiencing transitions, working at a job, dealing with health problems, navigating relationships, healing and surviving through all types of trials and tribulations. In this workshop we will explore some of the key concepts provided in the book Resilient – How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. Experiential practices will be shared with an emphasis on exercises for developing the inner strengths of calm, courage, and self-compassion.
Please contact JFS at 908-725-7799 X108 or to register. These groups are offered free of charge and is open to the entire community. Funding for this program is provided by grants from The Arnold A. Schwartz Foundation, Affinity Federal Credit Union and Magyar Bank. To register or for information about Career Counseling Services, please contact Elise Prezant at 908-725-7799 X108 or
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