Recurring Meetings
Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:
• The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market
• Updates related to Unemployment
• Discuss proactive job search activities
To access the webinar,
The WNO (Westchester Networking Organization) meets the third Monday of each month. During the COVID pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom at 5:45 p.m. The WNO is a community that is supportive and welcoming to those who are in transition and that fosters career fulfillment for all professionals, including those fully employed. We provide an opportunity to network across industries, fields and organizations. Our monthly meetings include networking time as well as a presentation on a topic relevant to job search and career development. The contact e-mail ID for the WNO,
Tuesdays, Northern NJ Professionals in Transition (#NNJ_PIT) is proud to announce it is hosting Zoom meetings led by longtime group facilitator and career coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC. These will be held on alternating Tuesdays from 10am-12pm. Be sure to check our webpage for the most up-to-date info, including webinar descriptions, at: Login instructions will be provided the day prior to each session. Registration closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. If you have any questions, email:
Tuesdays, Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA is a grassroots, volunteer, networking organization that is widely respected and recognized for its work in career advancement and job search support. Zoom based meetings are held every Tuesday between 7:00pm to 7:40pm. Registration is required through NhN’s website (
Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting. They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.
Every other Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm The Resilience Circle has provided an opportunity for people to share their frustrations and anxieties about job loss and subsequent job search with their peers. We will introduce tools and techniques from wisdom teachers that will provide job seekers with alternative ways to work through their transition period and consciously change their mindset. The group will meet every other Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Expectations We ask the following of each member: Commit to being willing and open to explore and take action from the wisdom thought leaders and various self-care activities, and actively participate in all group discussions and study topics that are presented.
If you are interested in participating, please email Michele Martin at
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group 'Northwest New Jersey Career Club' and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.
Every Thursday at 1:30pm, join The New Start Career Network (NSCN) for an hour of open discussion and support with Michele Martin, Marc Strano, and Maria Heidkamp. The agenda is based on your needs and questions. To learn more, visit the NSCN website at https://www.
The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website Event Calendar for upcoming programs: https://www.psgofmercercounty.
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month Careers in Transition CIT meets in Short Hills, NJ. Individuals give a 15 second elevator speech about themselves -- who you are, what you are looking for, target companies (2-3), how the group can help you, and how you can help the group. This is followed by a short period for networking with people you would like to introduce yourself to and exchange business cards. The group then divides into smaller teams for: 1) Resume Assistance, (Please bring 15 copies of your resume if you want it reviewed.) or 2) Support in Overcoming Job Search Obstacles. This includes: A) Small group advice for individuals who have hit the wall and need help to reinvigorate their job search, or B) Large group discussion on various job search related topics. Visit Christ Church in Short Hills: Careers in Transition for additional information. The school where we meet has new security requirements. After introductions begin at 8:30, the doors close and no one will be admitted, so please be punctual. Sorry, the meeting room is not handicapped accessible. The meeting is in the Winston School Gym at Christ Church, 30 East Lane, Short Hills, NJ 07078..
The New York Science, Industry and Business Library , located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016-4314, offers an extensive series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. In addition, the library has numerous training classes on Microsoft Office, including: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Check it out; you will be glad that you did. Inquiries about programs may be made by calling 917-275-6975, Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm. Click on their link at:
2020 Virtual Transition Support Meetings
Monday, Nov. 2@ 4:00pm CareerConnectionsConsortium presents How to Work as A Consultant in a Gig Economy with David Schuchman. When unemployment is high one option is to create your own job as a consultant. Find out what you can do and how. Please sign up at at least one hour in advance.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 10am-12pm Northern NJ Professionals in Transition (#NNJ_PIT) is proud to announce its eleventh Zoom meeting in a series, led by longtime group facilitator and career coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC. These sessions are held on alternate Tuesdays from 10am-12pm and include Q & A. The next one is scheduled for Tuesday 11/03 and the topic is: “Developing a Personal Marketing Plan”. Please to register and note that registration will close promptly at 8am on 11/03. Zoom login instructions will be provided the day prior to the webinar. Be sure to check our webpage for the schedule and webinar descriptions, at:
Tue, Oct 27November 3, 2020 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT) Tuesday evening NJ JobSeekers group Tuesday meeting permalink: Tuesday meeting permalink:
Wed Nov 4th, 7:00-8:30pm CT WORKSHOP: Marty Gilbert (NSENG Founder/CEO) presents 90-min Online Networking Event with 3 Rounds of Networking. ($20-fee).Make new contacts during the online small group breakout sessions & receive everyone's email address to gain 40-80 new connections. Click HERE to view details and/or register for this event. There is no presentation or recording as this event is devoted entirely to networking.
Thursday, November 5th, 2020, 6.30pm to 8.30pm: The St. Patrick's EARN Networking Group is holding a virtual Zoom meeting and presents Jean Baur with the topic: How to Search Smart in the Digital Age. Jean Baur, speaker, career coach and author, worked in the outplacement industry for 20 years. She's an expert in partnering with job seekers of all functions and levels, and likes nothing better than helping those in transition overcome obstacles and find work that's a good fit. Pls use this link to register: https://earn20201105.
Monday, November 9th at 8pm, Church of the Presentation, Career Management Group - upcoming topic sessions, “Tapping into the Hidden Job Market” will be presented by John Corcoran, Parishioner and Professional Career Coach Members of the COTP Career Management Network, you will receive an invitation & Zoom link. To join our Career Management network, simply email presentationcareermanagement@
Monday, November 9 at 10:00 a.m. EST PSGCNJ presents Recruiters Unwrapped Virtual Meeting Access Info:
Zoom meeting link: Meeting ID: 525-652-585
Dial-in phone only: 646-558-8656
Tuesday, November 10 at 7 PM, Emmaus Work Connectors (EWC) is a "Net-Working" Group. We join together to help each other work on our work journey together. Working together creates strong networking bonds. We discuss the things we've learned from our experiences, material we've learned from, and presentations at other groups and apply them together in small teams. We have a monthly meeting open to all. Participants can also join a small team to meet weekly. We also encourage members to join with a work buddy to meet every day or two during the week.. More details and RSVP at this link (so we can send reminders and let you know of any changes):
Thurs., Nov. 12 @ 1:00pm CareerConnectionsConsortium presentsReinvent and Rebrand Yourself In Uncertain Times with Blanca Rosales-Ahn, Founder and Executive Director of BRAHN Career Educational Consulting Services
Thurs., Nov. 12 @ 1:00pm Union County Library Reinvent and Rebrand Yourself In Uncertain Times Presented by Blanca Rosales-Ahn The job market is tight -- you need to stand out from the crowd. This program, for those current and formerly employed, career changers and students of all ages. Learn how to find, discover and use your unique brand in order to find a job. Please sign up at at least one hour in advance.
Thursday, November 12, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EST) VIRTUAL ZOOM NETWORKING - NNJ ATD Career Transition SIG ‘How Job Seekers Can Stand Out in Today’s Market’ Registration information will be shared with other attendees to the meeting for your continued networking. If you are not interested in sharing your information, please DO NOT REGISTER for this event.
- Download the Zoom App for your cellphone or computer.. Information at
- Learn about how Zoom works:
us/articles/201362193-Joining- a-Meeting
- It includes a one-minute "warmup" video, and a link to join a test meeting.
Thursday, November 12 at 6PM Eastern / 5PM Central / 4PM Mountain / 3PM Pacific Career Connections Consortium, John Hadley at JHA Careers presents the second installment of free Reinvent Your Career webinar series. The first in this free series went very well.Are you in an industry or job impacted by COVID, and worry that you may need to reinvent your career to continue bringing in the income you need? Or are you just tired of where your job is heading, and want to move in a new direction?For this second webinar, I have the pleasure of interviewing my good friend Dave Miller on not just one, but two successful transitions! To register, visit
Saturday, November 14, at 8:00 am, The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: “ Money Saving Strategies during a Career Transition: Health Insurance, Taxes, College Costs, and Investment Fees ” presented by Bill LaChance .Go to the website for GoToMeeting sign on instructions. Click on 'read more' under the speaker's photo and the instructions will appear. Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at:
Monday, November 16, 2020, 5:45 PM - 8:15 PM ESTWestchester Networking Organization (WNO) Meeting Mon, Nov 16, 2020 5:45 PM - 8:15 PM EST Presentation: Resumes that get to the YES Pile! Hiring Managers look at your resume for less than 6 seconds and 75% of resumes are never even seen by the human eye. Cindy Lish will discuss:
- Her Signature Method for Getting Past the Applicant Tracking System
- Discover How to Highlight Your Accomplishments Rather Than Your Tasks
- Successfully Explain a Gap on Your Resume
- Showcase Your Volunteer Experience and Education
- Learn Whether You Should Use a Summary or an Objective
Learn everything you need to know to get your resume to the YES pile! Register
Sunday November 22, 2020 - 1 to 4 pm The Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Ridgewood, NJ) Career Resources Ministry has planned some workshops for November and December, 2020. “Create Your Communications Strategy and Resume – Session I” A good communications strategy assures that the key qualifications and assets you possess will support your objective. Written and verbal ways to achieve this will be discussed. Strategies will include written qualification statements, exit statements, accomplishments statements and resume writing. They will be virtual via Zoom. Anyone interested will be asked to register with Carol Shea at her GMail address: Any questions, please call me at (201) 264-8273.
Tuesday December 1, 2020 -7-10 pm Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Ridgewood, NJ) Career Resources Ministry has planned some workshops for November and December, 2020. “Create Your Communications Strategy and Resume – Session I” A good communications strategy assures that the key qualifications and assets you possess will support your objective. Written and verbal ways to achieve this will be discussed. Strategies will include written qualification statements, exit statements, accomplishments statements and resume writing. They will be virtual via Zoom. Anyone interested will be asked to register with Carol Shea at her GMail address: Any questions, please call me at (201) 264-8273.
Wed., Dec 9 @ 1:00pm Union County Library presents Recruiters: The Inside Information with Ed Han What role do employment agencies and recruiters play in your job search? Learn what they are looking for, what matters to them and what they shun from a job recruiter.
Please sign up at at least one hour in advance.
Sunday December 13, 2020 -1-4 pm The Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Ridgewood, NJ) Career Resources Ministry has planned some workshops for November and December, 2020. “Define Your Target Market – Session II”Learning how to clearly and logically define your target market allows you to focus on specific organizations and ensures that you waste little time finding appropriate new employment. Staying focused with realistic goals can shorten your employment search by weeks and even months. They will be virtual via Zoom. Anyone interested will be asked to register with Carol Shea at her GMail address: Any questions, please call me at (201) 264-8273.
Pre-Recorded Podcasts
In this article, IDC's Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings .
This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.https://info.
The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:
Westport Public Library, located at 20 Jesup Road, Westport, CT 06880 offers an interesting series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. Click on their link at: http://www.westportlibrary.
Microcasts featuring Win Sheffield, a certified career coach, consisting of 71 assorted Power of You Microcasts. These 5-minute Microcasts answer various career questions, such as:
• I have just been laid off and don't know where to turn; what do I do
• I am frustrated by my progress even though I am pursuing a variety of job options. What can I do to improve my results
• Networking, I have very little idea who I should be meeting with or what to ask them. Can you help me get started
For the entire list of 71 five-minute Power of You microcasts, please click on the following link:
Teleconference featuring Abby Kohut, President of Staffing Symphony, and author of Absolutely Abby’s 101 Job Search Secrets, give a teleconference call titled: 'Keeping Your Career on Track During the COVID-19 Pandemic'. The replay can be accessed at:
In addition to listening to this replay, send an email to Abby at This will add you to the invite list for the next call and the resource guide from this call.
Zoom: If you want to learn how to use Zoom, copy this link:
PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:
Sara Greenhouse of Generate Buzz, LLC has officially launched Coaches' Covid Couch, a series of short podcasts with a variety of coaches (ex. job / career, health & wellness, sales, business, life, etc), discussing their experiences during the pandemic and advice they have to help you build your resilience. Click here to check out the Generate Buzz, LLC YouTube channel and be sure to click subscribe so you're notified of new videos. Questions? Please email:
General Resources
The Philadelphia Area Great Careers Group (PAGCG), with the Business Executives Networking Group (BENG) and Nonprofit Career Network (NCN) provides career education, resources, support services, & networking connections for those in transition, the self-employed, employed, & the organizations that employ them. We are all-inclusive, diverse, and equitable. BENG is for mid to senior level whether in transition, employed, or self-employed.
For more information go to
The latest event list can be found here:
The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.
Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.
For more information and a schedule of events go to
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