Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).
Day 28.
Reputations have a way of following you wherever you go and can ultimately hinder your ability to find a new job. This came to mind yesterday while observing the Washington Football Team continue on its downward spiral. Most of this is due to a highly touted young Quarterback who simply can not follow protocols and rules set by both his organization and the NFL. Because of the distraction he has caused, both his ability to lead and his teams performance have suffered. With the other two Quarterbacks injured, the team announced it will turn to a player who has not played a league game in almost two years. Imagine when the once blue chip athlete has to go find a new team to play for next season. General managers of the other teams are going to have serious doubts and his salary is sure to take a huge hit IF anyone hires him. This applies to anyone performing any job. How you are perceived by colleagues and manager could quite likely come back to hinder your career.
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