Saturday, April 3, 2010

References That Really Work!

My apologies for being silent this week. Passover and being a bit under the weather slowed me down a little.

More and more companies are asking for detailed reference checks BEFORE they even consider your resume. Unfortunately, the current climate is making them feel compelled to do this. Prior to sending out your resume to recruiters or hiring managers, take a look at your list and ensure the following:
  1. All names and numbers are accurate and current.
  2. You have called the reference to make certain it is okay to use their name.
  3. You are able to provide someone at each of your last 3-4 positions to verify you were employed and that the dates match and someone to attest to your work abilities.

Too many people are not checking this information and it could prove to be a major roadblock. Do not leave it up to the hiring company to do the research as they will either give up due to time constraints or they will talk to someone who may not give you terribly good ratings because they never really knew you!

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