Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 31.

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 31!

It is hard to believe that 31 days of blog entries passed so quickly. My hope is that some of you gained at least one bit of useful information! A final thought to share is, whether you are a hiring manager, job seeker, or just someone trying to be the best at what you do; maintaining focus, integrity, compassion, and a desire to treat others professionally at all times will certainly lead you down the right path as 2021 approaches. Hopefully, the coming year will evolve into the best one ever once the vaccine gets distributed and we can gradually find our new normal. {If I have helped you by writing this series of posts or through a presentation I delivered, or perhaps by finding you a new employee or a new job, please consider writing a recommendation on my behalf on LinkedIn}. I look forward to sharing with all of you in 2021! #staffing #recruiting #hiring #jobs #jobseekers #covid #jobsearch #recruitment #linkedin #humanresources #communication

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 30.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 30.

As the year is coming to a close, my thoughts turned to a former client who has since passed away. He was an Engineering Director of a small manufacturing company. In our numerous conversations, I always found him rather low key, unemotional, yet efficient. He was in the process of hiring a new team member and interviewed a few candidates I sent to him. When we spoke, this gentleman told me that one candidate stood out because of the passion he brought to the interview. At first, I was a bit surprised since the hiring manager was so reserved but then I realized that you can be quietly passionate. Whenever you interview, make sure that your love and interest (passion) for what you do shines through!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 29.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 29.

While many hiring managers are using up vacation time this week, I can think of nothing better for a jobseeker to do than update your social media profiles Whether it be LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., take a good hard look at what people will see if they click on your profile. May employers do check your social media, sometimes before scheduling an interview. Do not give them any reasons to pass you by!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 28.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 28.

Reputations have a way of following you wherever you go and can ultimately hinder your ability to find a new job. This came to mind yesterday while observing the Washington Football Team continue on its downward spiral. Most of this is due to a highly touted young Quarterback who simply can not follow protocols and rules set by both his organization and the NFL. Because of the distraction he has caused, both his ability to lead and his teams performance have suffered. With the other two Quarterbacks injured, the team announced it will turn to a player who has not played a league game in almost two years. Imagine when the once blue chip athlete has to go find a new team to play for next season. General managers of the other teams are going to have serious doubts and his salary is sure to take a huge hit IF anyone hires him. This applies to anyone performing any job. How you are perceived by colleagues and manager could quite likely come back to hinder your career.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 27.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 27.

With the stalemate in Washington severely impacting unemployment benefits, now would be the time to pursue temporary opportunities if you have chosen not to in the past. A short term job could lead to full-time positions if things go well for you. At the minimum, a temporary position will help you provide for yourself and your family. Temporary / contract work also gives you the flexibility to move quickly to a permanent role if one is offered to you. (There are four more days left to my take on 31 in 31. Feel free to suggest a topic of interest)!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 26.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).Day 26.

"Harold, do you have a good job for me today? I really need to work but no one has anything." Over the past 30+ years, this is likely the question I am asked most frequently. My answer is usually framed around the concept that I react to the needs of my client companies and will call candidates who fit those requirements. Next, I usually ask what the person is doing to accelerate their personal search process. Replies usually range from I sent out a few resumes to I called a few agencies last month but there are no good jobs out there. In some cases, I have actually called the candidates when something I felt they could do came up. Unfortunately, they either say they are not interested in the specific job, think they have another offer coming in a few days, or have some life issue blocking them from working at the moment. None of what I have stated is meant to insult or offend anyone but we all have to be willing to help ourselves take the steps needed toward our next chapter!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 25

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 25.

Rather than following my normal format today, I want to thank those who are working on this holiday. Doctors, nurses, and all other Allied Health professionals keep us safe and healthy on holidays and have been unquestionably resilient and miraculous throughout the pandemic. Restaurant and hotel workers, convenience store staff, gas station attendants, delivery people, toll takers, first responders, public utility repair teams, corrections officers, members of the media all deserve all thanks today. I am sure I forgot other worthy sectors and do apologize! #staffing #covid #nurses #restaurant #doctors

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 24.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 24.

Today proves why the job search process never stops even at holiday time. Four candidates went on virtual interviews for me today and all four did so well that they will be interviewed in person next week in between the two major holidays! The desire to succeed paid off today. Now it is time for this old recruiter to end his work day a bit early!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days , Day 23.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 23.

"REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST" For decades, the school of thought was to include this line at the bottom of every resume. The light bulb finally went off that every candidate applying for new opportunities should have references available to share upon request so there really is no need to advertise this. Honestly, references are not as valuable as they once were but that is a separate topic! Even if all of your former employers have shut down, you should be able to find some former co-workers to vouch for you At the bare minimum, find some neighbors, colleagues on volunteer organizations or anyone else comfortable attesting that you are a solid person!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 22.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 22.

Today's entry is coming out later than normal. No, I did not turn forgetful or take a long nap! Amazingly, I have been quite busy this week trying to fill open job requirements! Most people refer to this week and next as 'the holidays' and tend to pay less attention to work. For some reason, these are quite often busy days for me. There are folks who would say I just got lucky but I tend to follow the moto of a hotel change which ran ads for a long time saying 'we'll leave the light on for you.' My light is always on and I am happy to help my clients whenever they need my support

Immediate Opportunities!


My client, an Ophthalmology practice in New Providence NJ, has the following opportunities available on a temporary-to-permanent basis:

Medical Assistant to perform workups, take medical histories, temperature checks, prepare patients for eye exams, etc.  Mon-Fri full time hours

Receptionist /Administrative Support to greet patients, schedule appointments, answer phones, perform filing, emails, etc.  Mon-Fri full time hours

Surgical Coordinator to obtain medical clearances, obtain and prepare documents, counsel patients on upcoming procedures. LPN helpful but not required. Mon, Tues, Fri. schedule.

Please forward resumes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300, ext. 104.


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 29.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 20.

Once you close a door, it remains shut. If you leave it cracked open, all sorts of possibilities remain available to you. This is simple advice which I give to every candidate I prepare for an interview. Should a job offer be presented during an interview, whatever you do, make sure you do not decline. Time is needed to look the offer over, consult with friends or family, and contact the hiring manager for any clarifications. Quick responses, aka knee jerk reactions, are not advised during your job search. Once you slam the door shut, all bets are off.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 19.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 19.

I had a flashback memory today which I wish to share. How many of you used to rely on your Rolodex file to get through your work day? Way before the average person has a computer with a database stored in their office, a Blackberry or Palm Pilot in their pocket, we had a Rolodex sitting on our desk with a well of information crammed into it. At one time, I had two of them in use simultaneously! if you have never heard of this ancient tool, Google it. If you owned one (or more), enjoy the memory of days gone by!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 18.

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers a nd others at Hiring Managers).
Day 18.
There are days when I wonder out loud why people submit their resumes if they have no intention of a) responding when I contact them to discuss a job opportunity, b) disappear when I reach out to schedule an interview with my client, or c) neglect to accept or decline a formal job offer. Ghosting seems quite widespread of late and is unfathomable to me! Keep in mind that somewhere, at some time, your career path might cross with the person you blew off.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 17.

Counter offers usually do not work out well . First, if the employer truly wanted to pay you more money and grant you a promotion, it should not have taken a resignation notice to catch their attention. Second, more money comes from an expectation of hiring work output and an increased sense of loyalty. #staffing Should someone come along who can do an equivaled job for less money, who do you think will last longer? #hiring #recruiting #jobseekers #careers #jobsearch #job

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 16.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 16
The calendar year is winding down. The Pandemic is spreading and showing little sign of diminishing. Winter Storm Gail is creating havoc over a large swath of the U.S. This is the perfect time to hunker down and fine tune your job search! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 15

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 15.

This morning, someone called me inquiring about employment. When I asked her what type of experience she had, her reply was that she was calling on behalf of her son who is a college senior. My reaction was to ask her why he is not calling me. She got a bit indignant then said that she wishes he would look for a job on his own! I requested that he send his resume when he actually is ready to focus on the search process. The takeaway here is, that unless there are very convincing extenuating circumstances, you need to take ownership of your job search. This is especially true for upcoming or recent graduates. Having a parent / sibling / significant other doing your bidding for you is unacceptable.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 14.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 14. When applying for a new opportunity, read the posting carefully and make sure you are comfortable with the proposed position. Just as important is your ability to cover the required work schedule. For example, if a posting states that the work schedule is from 10:00-6:30 daily and you are not able to work past 4:00, this is probably not the right spot for you. Please remember, the employer likely has very specific needs which you need to be able to fulfill for them.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 13.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 13.

Hiring managers can make the entire process of adding a new employee easier if they take a thorough look at what skills and experience they need before posting a job requirement or asking a staffing firm for candidates. Progressive requirements where the desired needs change constantly are hard targets to hit which will lead to a prolonged hiring process costing a loss of time and productivity for the employer as well as unnecessary time spent by the staffing firm and potentially a parade of mismatched candidates.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 12

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 12.

When interviewing, the question as to why you are moving on (or have moved on) from your place of work might come up. No matter how tough it is to do, find politically correct things to say and absolutely never speak poorly of your co-workers, management, or the company overall. Any demonstration of negativity has the potential to be detrimental to your chances of being hired.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 11.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 11.

Today marks the first full day of Chanukah, the first full day of the Jewish Festival of Lights. No matter what your religious beliefs are, my wish for the coming twelve months is a miraculous recovery for the entire world including good health, peace, and a return to a thriving employment market. If you are struggling to find work right now, remember that miracles do happen. We all need to stay focused on our goals and remain positive

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 10.

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 10.

It is important for Jobseekers to stay focused on their search. Establish a timeline along with a daily and weekly plan. Mix things up each day so you do not become complacent and lethargic. If you feel your process is not working, it might be time to engage someone in the coaching profession to get you back on course.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 9

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 9.
Eye contact has always been an important part of interviews. Many people have been passed up for a job because they avoided looking at the interviewer. Looking away from the person you are facing, or looking down at your hands or feet, could be interpreted as having no interest in the job or lacking confidence in yourself. Eye contact is just as crucial with virtual interviews. If possible, set up a short session with a friend or relative to practice your eye contact in advance of going live with a potential employer.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 8.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 8.
During your interview, only answer those questions directly asked of you. Should the interview want you to expand or deviate from the original topic, allow them the opportunity to ask you to do so.

Retail Opportunities

 Inside Retail Sales, FT, Perm Opportunity, Jersey City NJ, weekdays plus 1/2 day Saturdays, no nights. Must have 2= yrs. retail exp. Knowl. of uniforms, work clothes, etc. helpful. Outstanding communication skills, Must have a customer first attitude. Comfort level w/computers needed. Pay $15-18 hourly w/benefits. Must work half day on Saturdays. Resumes to or call Harold Levin at 908-508-0300, ext. 104.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 7.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 7.

Job seekers should not be offended by this statement as it is a fact of life. Recruiters at staffing firms work on behalf of client companies to find the best candidates to fill their open requirements. While we love matching individuals into the ideal job situation, we must respond to the needs of our employers in order to succeed and receive ongoing business.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 6.

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 6.

Sunday is the perfect day to job search! In the old days, the Sunday newspapers would be chock full of display ads to peruse. Today, go to your favorite search engines and send out resumes for hiring managers to read on Monday morning!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 5

Day 5.

Treat virtual interviews just like an in-person version. Dress professionally, appear neatly groomed, be online a few minutes early, have your resume available to share online or to quickly email if requested as you never know how well prepared the interviewer will be.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 4

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 4.

Most hiring managers feel the need to meet every candidate in person, perhaps even two or three times. With the growth of virtual interviewing during the Pandemic, it seems reasonable to me to conduct at least the initial meeting remotely. For a variety of reasons, some employers are balking at this option.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 3

Day 3: Never discuss politics during a job interview. This applies to all parties participating in the process. The objective is to hire the most qualified individual to complete the needed work. Personal beliefs should be checked at the front door (or before logging into Zoom in today's world)!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days, Day 2

Day 2: Hiring Managers have limited time to review each resume. Make sure your resume is concise, easy-to-read, and contains information which will make you a strong candidate!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days

 Thirty-one Placement Perspectives in 31 Days (some will be directed at Jobseekers and others at Hiring Managers).

Day 1: A thank you note (electronic preferably) should always be sent by a candidate to the hiring manager within 24 hours of an interview. #hiring #recruiting #staffing #jobseekers #jobs Jan Goodman Patty Kremen, Paul Cecala, Certified Career Coach Susan English Sheri D. Leach John R. Fugazzie MBA Paddy Viswanathan Wendy (Schwab) Schnall Elise Prezant Women in Transition WIT PSGCNJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE GROUP CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Charmain Brody Charise Wilson, MS, GCDF, CCSP, CPRW Jennifer Giudice