Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some Late Summer Ideas

As summer continues its very gradual transition toward fall (not soon enough for most of us from the Northeast), my mind is tossing around a few topics for no particular reason in no special order. Since I did not have a specific idea in mind when I opened the laptop, I will subject you to a few of my thoughts!

Last week, I read a very upbeat article about the influx of jobs into NJ when the Super Bowl arrives in 2014. Bergen County Community College is going to train several thousand Certified Travel Ambassadors (I think that is the title) ranging from cab drivers to restaurant servers to hotel desk clerks to mall workers at the soon to be completed eyesore in the Meadowlands (sorry about that). Special grants are being arranged to pay for third training so that all workers anywhere near the Meadowlands site will be representing a unified brand. OK-I really hope this works out better than the indoor ski slope in the unfinished mall which, according to rumors, has to be demolished before the NFL's festivities arrive in the area. Will this lead to long term employment for many people? I have my doubts about this.

Transit authorities that control bridges and tunnels in numerous large U.S. cities are looking at astronomical toll increases to pay for grossly overdue repairs. The real losers here are commuters who are forced to live in less costly suburbs and drive to work each day. Public transit fares are even worse than fuel costs but now tolls will place another unfair burden on the working class and could ultimately help increase the unemployment rate.

Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer my time at a Drum Corps International competition featuring 8 nationally ranked performing groups averaging 150 talented young people each. Their displays of poise and discipline and their exemplary performances are always a treat. What makes this even more incredible to observe is the dedication, diligence, and leadership demonstrated by tons of instructors and coaches who spend roughly 3 months toiling in the sun, travelling on coach buses day after day logging about 15K miles for the summer for minimal pay. This is the type of work ethic and spirit needed to assist in our nation's turnaround.

Finally, a thought unrelated to employment or the economy comes to mind. Joe Paterno, the legendary football coach, has declared that he will be on the field for Penn State's football opener even if he has not recovered from multiple injuries suffered during a practive session. Well into his 80's, he refuses to set an example for his players that one can sit back and rest because of some bumps and bruises!

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