Thursday, March 17, 2016

Her Marimba Gets Nervous!

On weekends, I take a break from the staffing industry and serve as an event coordinator for a wonderful non-profit organization in the marching arts world.  We facilitate professionally adjudicated programs for winter color guards, percussion ensembles, marching bands, etc.  Having participated in the band world from grade school through college, it is my way of supporting young people in an endeavor which helped strengthen me personally.  One of the best parts of it is chatting with these bright, talented teens before and after they perform.

This past Saturday, a young lady was lined up in a hallway awaiting her ensemble's entrance to the performance floor.  She had a very troubled look and told me that, while she personally was fine, her marimba was very nervous and getting ready to cry as it did not like playing in front of large audiences!  I saw this ensemble perform at another venue and assured her that she and her marimba had nothing to worry about!

Over the past 30 years, numerous candidates have sounded great in advance of an interview but came across as nervous and insecure once the proceedings began.  Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from this young percussionist.  Channel your nerves onto something else, perhaps the writing pad you carry with you, and convince yourself that you are perfectly fine.  No one else will know that one of your accessories is troubled as they will be focused on a very calm looking you!

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