Friday, April 8, 2016

The Power of Tie Breakers

I think most job seekers will agree that it is much harder to get hired than it is to be granted an interview.  Of course, getting an interview today is a great accomplishment as well.

Hiring managers often face great challenges in selecting the right candidate for a job.  By the time they have scanned dozens of resumes (perhaps conducted phone screenings) and met as many as seven or eight people in person, they are left with the unenviable task of making a decision. Fairly often, two or three people appear to be equally qualified.  All have great resumes, solid work history, the necessary education and/or certifications, and they all presented themselves well. This is when tie breakers may be put into play.  Each employer may rank them in differently but I will share them randomly below.

Did all the candidates arrive for the interview at least fifteen minutes early?  Anyone who was late or cut it close might be at risk of being eliminated.

Upon checking references on each candidate, did any red flags turn up?  A candidate who truly wants to get hired will ensure in advance that all references are ready to give strong endorsements.

Did each candidate immediately send notes of appreciation to all parties involved in the interview? With all the electronics available today, this is an essential action to take.

Keep these tie breakers in mind when pursuing the perfect job for yourself!  Such simple practices might just make a difference!

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