Thursday, December 21, 2017

Housekeeping Needed!

As we are about to close out 2017 and move forward into 2018, it is a good time for employment candidates to do some light housekeeping to keep their job search process fresh and relevant.  The winter months sometimes allow us to become complacent which just can not happen!!

Begin by checking over your resume to ensure that all the information is accurate and up to date.  Perhaps you took some courses, or received some new certifications, since your last resume update.  Now is the time to put any new information into the document so you share the best possible information with perspective employers.

Reference lists also need to be reviewed regularly.  Sometimes, your references will relocate, change phone numbers and/or email addresses, or simply disappear!  LinkedIn and other social media engines can help you find missing people.  If you cannot reach them, remove them from your list of references and find someone current to replace them.

Visit all search engines where your resume is posted to ensure that your most current version is being viewed and that all contact details are correct.  At least 25% of the candidates I attempt to reach using search engines are impossible to find.

Heading into the new year fully prepared will help you keep your job search flowing in the proper direction.  Good luck!!

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