Friday, December 20, 2019

2020 is Coming

As 2019 comes to its conclusion, many people are either preoccupied with holiday activities, vacation plans, or the goings on of over federal government (or perhaps a mash-up of several of the above). Unfortunately, a few individuals have reached out to me in recent days with the disappointing news that their jobs have been eliminated. Some have been given the chance to remain on the payroll for a few weeks while others were escorted out immediately. We can discuss how heartless timing is but corporations and smaller entities are focused on the bottom line. The media seems insistent on promoting the doom and gloom of an upcoming recession though there is not much proof of that being the case at the current time. If you were recently laid off, take a few days to celebrate whatever holiday you observe then get to work immediately finding your next landing spot! While a lot of firms are closed over the next 2 weeks, LinkedIn and Twitter never sleep nor does email networking. Computers do not take holidays so you can certainly begin freshening up your personal marketing materials (aka your resume)! Reach out to everyone you know as somebody might just have a lead worth pursuing! Best of luck to all as 2020 approaches!

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