Sunday, May 18, 2008

Never Shut the Door

For over 20 years, I have advised candidates to never turn down a job offer on the spot because they are shutting the door, likely for good. At the same time, accepting a job on the spot could lead to accepting an offer without knowing all the details. The best compromise solution is to ask for 24 hours before presenting your decision. This allows time to kick the tires a bit and see if everything adds up. If the salary sounds great what about the required hours? Is there schedule flexibility? How are the benefits? Will you receive family coverage if needed? What type of training is involved? There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking of the unanswered questions and making a phone call to review the answers before making the final decision. One word of caution, try to have all your questions prepared first as you do not want to keep pestering your potential employer! This could annoy them, and even worse, make them doubt your interest in what they have to offer! Remember, open doors (even those open just a crack) have opportunity on the other side, closed doors are dead ends.

Feel free to write me at if you want to discuss this in more detail.

1 comment:

Rabbi Arnie Gluck said...

Nice blog, Harold! Did you design it yourself? Good luck!