Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Startups v. Older Firms

Once upon a time, my father told me I was nuts to take a job with a small search firm that had a staff of about 10 people and an owner who actually worked a recruiting desk in the office. I was reminded there was no corporate structure, no major financial backers, a lack of advertising and PR, and certainly no worldwide reputation to back up my work.

Today, folks are starting to migrate toward small firms and startups over the big firms (think Alcatel or Lehman Bros. or AIG or General Motors, etc.). Some of the reasons for working at one of these small firms include no corporate structure (to keep you from moving upward), no major financial backers (who force you to operate their way rather than the right way), a lack of advertising and PR (permits you to keep a lower profile and just do your job), etc.

The conclusion is simple! Find a company that is reasonably well funded, offers the features you need, and go to work!

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