Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Okay, It is September

Well, we survived a long summer and the economy seems just a little less depressing than it did in June and a heck of a lot less pathetic than it did in March. Finally, I am seeing some new job opportunities pop up, albeit in little spurts, not consistent yet. Pay rates are still way below the market value of 2007 but not tail spinning anymore. Employers still seem to be doing reactionary hiring rather than proactive staffing.

Many years back, a wise retailer told me that the key to rebuilding a failing shopping district is to fill the empty storefronts with any sort of legitimate business without being too selective. Once a district looks full, rents start to rise and eventually, the selection of stores will upgrade itself. The same holds true for employment. if you are out of work and a prospect related to your skill set comes along, do not be fussy. Grab it, get back in circulation, then climb your way back up the ladder. As lottery commercials say, if your not in it you will not win!!

Let us all hope that my comments on January 1, 2010, will be even more positive!

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