Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What If??

  • What if I hire someone who used to make $10K more than I can offer and someone presents a job to them in six months for $5K more than I am paying ?
  • What if I hire someone who has 85% of the required skill sets because nobody can do all the tasks I have merged under one job description?
  • What if I hire someone who has been unemployed for over a year, will they remember how to work?
  • What if an employer offers me $10K less than I was earning at my job before I was laid off two years back?
  • What if someone offers me $5K more six months from now?
  • What if I need training to perform 100% of the required tasks?
  • What if employers and candidates keep saying what if? Who will get this country moving again?

1 comment:

SiteOne Services, Inc. said...

no kidding.... I have been going through the same thing now for 3 months... hiring managers saying THE SAME "WHAT IF'S"
Your blog is amazing and your spirit to help us out there looking is wonderful! Wish you could help us out here in California!!
Keep up the great blogs and work! Have a great evening!