Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ETC. (includes my Super Bowl prediction!)

  • 2009 is winding down and 2010 has to be a better year on the job front. If not, President Obama has a lot of explaining ahead of him.
  • On a brighter note, a handful of smaller manufacturing firms in NJ appear to be writing up work orders at the end of the year which hopefully means there will be a little hiring in the first 4 to 6 weeks of 2010!
  • Employers still appear to believe in the myth that high unemployment equals a high number of custom made candidates. As has been obvious this year, many of those out of work have the same skill sets and those with unique mixes are still working.
  • Take advantage of any free time you have to make sure your resume' is absolutely perfect. Show it to others and get their input. If you like, send it to me and I will be very honest in my assessment.
  • Super Bowl prediction as we approach NFL Playoff time: San Diego vs. Minnesota with the Chargers winning by about 5 points!

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