Friday, February 12, 2010

Resume Error

"a young 59 year old, happily married white male with 3 children"

This statement began a resume which I recently received and left me scratching my head. For many years, I have taught classes on job search skills and individually advised thousands of job seekers. Basic rules including never divulging things that could influence a decision maker before they even meet you!

Stating your age is one of the fastest ways to get eliminated from the candidate pool. Even though they should not, many hiring managers have preconceived age requirements. Many people are gun shy of married parents, fearing that family (as it should) will come before the job. On the other hand, some managers prefer family-oriented people and will eliminate singles from the group. Finally, there are those out there looking for people from a specific race or nationality (as illegal as that is) and you might just eliminate yourself.

As I have said before, a resume is your personal marketing brochure! Use it to demonstrate all the great skills and experience you have, not to eliminate yourself!

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