Saturday, May 22, 2010

Recent Conversation

This past week, I chatted at length with someone who has had a very strong career in I.T. for over 20 years. He sounded terribly frustrated and I understand why.

He has been out of work for over a year after making six figure salaries for a very long time. His problem has not been getting interviews but in getting past the HR recruiter at stage 1. They repeatedly ask for salary history and tend to lose interest immediately even though he tells them money is not an issue. If that works, he gets asked why he would take a job that is obviously a step beneath his prior positions. Once he replies that he will be glad to use any of his skill sets and not necessarily only the most recent ones, they look puzzled. Should he manage to keep the interview alive, it is killed off with a statement that they do not think he will stay put once the economy picks up.

Someone needs to wake up and smell the roses! People are happy to earn a reasonably fair salary in their industry to keep up their skills and put food on the table. When the economy loosens up, hopefully not everyone will jump ship, especially if employers realize their value and reward them modestly. Companies would be much more productive if they filled empty slots rather than looking for reasons not to do so!

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