Saturday, June 4, 2011

Slamming a Door Shut

Once upon a time, we lived in a world where the economy was robust, companies were expanding by leaps and bounds, and employers were offering top dollar to keep the best talent away from their competitors. Obviously, I believe we all are hopeful for a return to the way it was but we are in for an extremely long wait. While waiting, good things do happen along the way and one of those good things came along last week when a client asked me to find a very specialized consultant for a long term assignment.

Without any hesitation, I started networking to find suitable candidates. A few people jumped out as very strong prospects and I focused on them immediately. One such candidate answered his phone and quite rudely informed me he was too busy to talk and that I should email full details to him then he might call me back.

Quite honestly, no matter how busy you might be, never blow off a recruiter or hiring manager without getting a quick overview of what they are looking for. As this candidate will learn, once you slam a door shut, the dead bolt almost never unlocks again!

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