Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Workshop for Women

Foundations of Success Workshops and Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties invites you to a Women’s Program “Manage Stress Before It Manages You” on Friday, May 10, 2019 from 10:00 am-12:00 noon
at Temple Sholom, 594 North Bridge Street, Bridgewater, NJ.

Life transitions and challenges can potentially increase stress and lead to reduced motivation, decreased productivity, and feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety, and powerlessness.  Fortunately, there are easy to learn techniques that can be utilized to activate the relaxation response and new thinking habits that can be formed to increase our ability to manage stress. In this two-hour workshop participants will experience a variety of relaxation response techniques that will remind you of the power you have to manage stress! (To experience the benefit of these techniques please wear comfortable clothing & bring a yoga mat or towel!)

Please contact JFS at 908-725-7799 X108 or eprezant@jewishfamilysvc.org to register.   

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