Monday, September 2, 2019

Totally Not Cool!

As a recruiter, when I offer someone a temporary work assignment on a Thursday and they accept the opportunity,  I assume they will begin the job or give me ample notice that they can not move forward.  Turning a job down, that you committed to start on Tuesday, on the late afternoon of Labor Day Monday, is rather unprofessional.  Because it is a holiday, I cannot properly contact my client until the actual start date (though I sent email in hopes that they might check messages).  The reason given by the candidate was that they received a different offer and must start tomorrow.  While theoretically possible, I suspect the offer was received before the end of the last work week and the candidate decided to wait until the last minute to tell me.  When considering a last minute change of plans, think about the bridges you have burned with the client company who offered you a chance to earn income and a recruiter who lobbied hard to get you the position.  This might sound like a rant but it is a statement of fact! Happy Labor Day to all the hard working people out there who make things better for all of us!

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