Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome to October!

Certainly, the month that ends with the ancient ritual of trick or treating could be a tricky one on the job search front. The month before a presidential election is always quite unpredictable and the mess on Wall Street and the lack of direction by our nation's leadership might make the next several weeks even stranger to deal with.

Oddly enough, companies are hiring to fill essential roles in an attempt to keep business flowing as best as possible. Job seekers need to tread carefully when selecting new positions. Employers may add extra duties to new positions in an attempt to get by with less staff producing bigger results.

Here are a few questions to keep in mind while job hunting. Please realize you should ask these questions whenever job hunting but even more so in tough times:
  1. How much travel is involved? Is it day trips or mostly overnight?
  2. Will I be expected to use my own vehicle for travel? (Receiving mileage compensation may not be enough considering that many people are using mileage restricted leased vehicles).
  3. Is the company privately held or part of a larger corporation?
  4. Are you capable of performing at least 90% of the required work?

Please contact me to discuss these items or others that might interest you!

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