Saturday, November 22, 2008

Don't Get Bamboozled!

I am not sure Bamboozled is a real word but it comes to mind when I see the price at gas pumps in Central Jersey. For weeks, we were told that holiday travel would be at an all time low because of the $4.00 a gallon price we were paying. isn't it amazing how the price is now at a four year low just as Thanksgiving approaches? Could it be that the federal government cut a deal with the oil companies? Certainly ,it was not a holiday gift from them to us!! If you have been car pooling, please don't stop. If you have been consolidating your trips more efficiently, keep doing that. The only way to really rejuvenate our economy and ultimately the job market is to stay in control of the situation. We seem to have caught the attention of the government and big business and need to continue doing so!

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