Thursday, November 20, 2008

Seasonal Work

If you are unemployed, or underemployed, seasonal work might be worth considering. many of you probably think I am crazy suggesting this since retailers and restaurants are feeling the economic crunch worse than ever. Keep this in mind, people will still go shopping for the holidays and they will go out to eat while shopping. Yes, they may buy less and eat less as well but they will be there. The extended hours forced upon these establishments by their landlords will force them into some level of seasonal hiring.

You never know when a store manager, display manager, banquet coordinator, etc. might resign. If you have demonstrated great abilities as a seasonal staffer, you could possibly be asked to stick around for a while longer. look at it this way, any source of income is worth investigating. A colleague recently commented that a whole new set of doors are starting to open. Maybe your future is behind one of them. Good luck!

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