Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Right Attitude

One of my clients called me about a week ago to obtain the services of a calibration and metrology technician on a contract basis. After scouring my sources in North Jersey, it was apparent I had to dig deeper to fill this. Luckily, I found someone willing to go the extra mile (about 50 of them!) to be gainfully employed in his profession. The commute is longer than normal and pay is nothing earth shattering, but it's a chance to earn income for the next several months. Keep in mind, the client has a habit of converting strong contractors to permanent employees in many instances. Putting the negatives aside, my tech had a great interview and will be at work immediately following Thanksgiving weekend!

Sacrifices are sometimes hard to make but they could lead to great success stories. Please remember this as you enjoy your turkey this week! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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