Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keep the Door Open!

Never say know to exploring a job possibility if you do not have a guaranteed job offer in hand! I have repeated that advice to candidates at all levels during parts of 4 decades (yes, I am getting very old!) but many do not listen. This past Monday, i called a candidate with a job that fit her background like a glove. She had been scheduled for an interview at a slightly higher paying rate farther from home than the one I proposed. She refused to clear me to forward her resume to my client because the job was all but a done deal even though this was a first interview. Thursday, my client informed me they have enough resumes and will not look at more candidates. Friday, late in the day, the candidate phoned to say she did not like the place she interviewed at and wanted to be submitted for my client's job. TOO LATE!!! Please do not do this to your future!!

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