Monday, July 19, 2010

Job Training Shortcomings

Everyone needs to read the article in today's New York Times about government funded job training for displaced workers. Over $800 Mil is being spent to train people who previously earned in excess of $75K for jobs that barely surpass minimum wage and are in fields that are terribly overcrowded already. The end result for many is that they are replacing their unemployment earnings with welfare checks and we are all paying for this through taxes. Please note that I did vote for President Obama so I am not tossing out some sour grapes but I am very disturbed by the results.

As a former Career Services Director for a proprietary trade school, I witnessed individuals who were pigeon holed by unemployment counselors into accepting training they never wanted because they knew it was a poor fit for them. Usually, the unemployment counselor has a menu of a few available programs and you must select from what is out there, not what is good for you. It appears that the Obama administration simply fed money into this worn out program instead of creating something that would best match the student with the right career move. Again, try to read this article and draw your own conclusions.

PS: If you participated in one of these courses, i would love to hear how you made out!

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