Friday, July 9, 2010

What is Loyalty?

Loyalty used to mean that someone worked for a company faithfully every day, performed at or above expectations, received periodic raises and benefits, was treated with respect and occasionally thanked for their hard work and dedication. it was a win-win for both the employer and the employee. yesterday, I had a chat with someone who watched five different CEO's enter and exit in a seven year span. Each one totally redesigned the way the company operated and no one had a clue as to what was expected from them. Perhaps a simple solution to our still under performing economy would be a return to basics where simple standards are set, reward levels are established and maintained, and a mutual respect existed between employers and employees. A team of experts are not needed to come in and develop such a plan. All that has to be done is bring a few folks from each level of a company to a meeting room, put some sandwiches in front of them and talk the old fashioned way over lunch!

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