Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random Thoughts

As I sit here past midnight, unable to sleep, my thoughts turn to some of the random matter keeping my brain fired up way beyond bedtime. My first gem is who in the world would list as their resume objective : Emperor of the universe, master of cheese? Second, the Governor of NJ thinks it is a good idea to house fledgling charter schools (rent free I might add) inside already struggling public schools in the city of Newark. Third, how can the U.S. government not find a way to curb fuel costs before it contributes to a resurgence of the recession and causes more unemployment? Fourth, who among us hard working citizens will be willing to shell out huge dollars to support the greedy players and owners of the NFL in the future? As an aside, I feel terrible about all the staffers of the various teams who are being laid off. Fifth and finally (I think), I wonder how the AT+T purchase of T-Mobile could possibly be allowed considerring the ultimate impact on consumer costs and job losses that it will create.

Oops! One more thought to share: Imagine all the jobs that would open up in sales and marketing if cable television companies were allowed to compete within a territory rather than only fighting with satellite services!

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