Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Transportation Issues Preventing the Earning of Green

Everywhere I turn, I hear talk of 'greening' our society but really wonder if our government is serious about it. One place to start would be building a greater network of mass transit to get workers to job sites or providing subsidies to small and mid-sized companies so they could afford to operate shuttles to and from bus stops or train stations. Way too much of of the U.S. is not accessible to those without vehicles. The end results include clogged roadways, excessive fuel consumption, pollution, and gifted candidates turning down jobs that are not reachable to them.

We have all talked about this for a very long time but little movement has taken place. Somehow, the ball needs to get rolling big time to improve our environment, our employment picture, and to reduce our dependency on oil producing nations which do not necessarily represent the philosophies that our nation stands for. Usually, I do not like to get political in this blog but the 'greening' process will not get very far without some exceptionally dramatic changes and the government (federal, state, and local) needs to pave the way (perhaps using biodegradable materials!) to get us all on track!

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