Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bagels and Doughnuts

Adventures in Staffing, Part 10. In the 1980's and early '90's, the internet was pretty much a non-factor in the staffing world. We used thermal fax machines and IBM Selectric typewriters (with memory if you were lucky) as our top tools but there was a practice in place which had the highest success rate when putting a resume in front of a client. That method was best known as Bagels and Doughnuts! I would gather up four or five resumes, put them in a folder with my business card attached and head out of the office. En route, I would pick up some tasty bagels and/or doughnuts. About 85% of the time, the hiring manager and/or HR manager would greet you and review the resumes over breakfast. Other times, the front desk receptionist would enjoy a doughnut then make sure the rest of the food and resumes go placed prominently on their desk. During this pandemic, I would love to return to the basics of the staffing field. Elise Prezant Paul Cecala, Certified Career Coach Sheri D. Leach Shel Grossman Deborah Johnson John R. Fugazzie MBA Susan English Patty Kremen, Barbara Sunberg, Esq. Carmen Anello Carmen M. Sapara Jennifer Giudice Richard Carapiet Robert McNamara

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