Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Adventures in Staffing, Part 6.

For many years, there were a lot of jobs available within computer operations during the era when we saw large mainframe computer systems just about everywhere. A client asked me to find a first shift supervisor who new how Honeywell operating systems ran. At that time, there were perhaps a dozen such operating environments scattered around the NY metro area. Several were my clients while the others served as wonderful sources of talent (aka they did not hire from staffing firms).
I found a gentleman who fit the bill working in the same role on the second shift for a company. He asked me to call him during lunch time of his second job.....3:00-3:30 AM! Internet was in it's infant stages so phone call at 3:00 AM it was! We had an excellent chat and the placement occurred rather fast. If you are trying to close a placement, the only obstacles are the one's you let block your path!! #staffing #careersearch #interviewprocess #jobadvice #jobsearch

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