Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Networking During the Pandemic

Dear job seekers, new and existing PSGCNJ members, We recognize these are unprecedented times and the job search landscape will be different. Although the situation has changed, PSGCNJ’s mission has not, “To provide job seekers opportunities with encouragement, empowerment, education and inspiration to advance their careers.” The Professional Service Group of Central New Jersey will continue as a virtual meeting as of April 6, 2020. On the day of the meeting click this PSGCNJ Virtual Meeting link to open Zoom and enter Meeting ID 525-652-585 to join the meeting. Keep your calendars open Mondays from 10 am to 12:30 pm. Further instructions for joining the meeting are included below. ACT Training and Advanced Training will be virtual as well. Check the psgcnj.biz training curriculum site for criteria to take training. A separate invite will be sent for them. We are committed to helping you succeed through this transition. Date/Time: Monday, April 6, 2020 · The meeting will open at 10 am to allow people to set up Zoom and converse with other members in the chat box. · Virtual session kicks off at 10:30 am Zoom Connection Info: · To join our Zoom Meeting click on (or copy/paste) link: PSGCNJ Virtual Meeting · Meeting ID: 525-652-585 · To dial-in by phone only: 646-558-8656 Instructions to Connect: · Access the Zoom app via a web browser. · We recommend you join by 10 am · Click (or copy/paste) this link into a web browser to access the PSGCNJ virtual meeting. · If asked to download an executable (.exe) file, allow that to happen. · Select computer speakers or phone to hear. Follow the directions that will be best for you. If on your computer select computer speakers for audio. · When you enter the meeting your video and audio will be disabled however, you will see rotating slides with these instructions. You will not be able to unmute audio at that time but do chat with colleagues while you are waiting. You can create private chats with each other. · Enter questions into the chat box and we can call on you if you like to address verbally during the session. Sincerely, The PSGCNJ Executive

Our calendar for the balance is June is June 15
·  Speed Interviewing - Audience Interactive Session

June 22
·  Value of Value - Tamara Causley Robinson

June 29
·  I Can! - Janelle Razzino

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