Monday, February 8, 2021

Upcoming Networking Opportunities



Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

    The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market

    Updates related to Unemployment

    Discuss proactive job search activities

To access the webinar, In the left-hand column, click on Videos, then click on the video that says LIVE. If you don't see the LIVE button, it hasn't started yet. For questions, please contact George Pace at:

Every Monday Morning, 9:30am to 11:30am, (GMT-06:00) America/Chicago     “VIRTUAL” JOB SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Every Monday Morning Organizer: Mike Ritter  View Event 

The Saint Hubert Job and Networking Ministry continues in its mission to assist the job seeker and job changer with the introduction of “virtual” Job Support Group meetings, via Zoom.

The meetings are a way to address your careering and job connection concerns with one of our team members, as well as one another, learn more about the resources available to job seekers, and to share information and support with a small group of attendees.

If you would like to register for this event:

1. Send an email, with the name of the event, Job Support Group, to Mike Ritter, at

2. You will receive an invitation to, a video conferencing platform, to join the group on your computer, tablet, or mobile device

3. Click on the link, within that email invitation, to join the “Job Support Group”, on

Please send any questions to Mike Ritter at

The WNO (Westchester Networking Organization) meets the third Monday of each month.  During the COVID pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom at 5:45 p.m. The WNO is a community that is supportive and welcoming to those who are in transition and that fosters career fulfillment for all professionals, including those fully employed. We provide an opportunity to network across industries, fields and organizations.  Our monthly meetings include networking time as well as a presentation on a topic relevant to job search and career development. The contact e-mail ID for the WNO,


Tuesdays, Northern NJ Professionals in Transition (#NNJ_PIT) is proud to announce it is hosting Zoom meetings led by longtime group facilitator and career coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC. These will be held on alternating Tuesdays from 10am-12pm. Be sure to check our webpage for the most up-to-date info, including webinar descriptions, at: Login instructions will be provided the day prior to each session. Registration closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. If you have any questions, email:

Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm until March 1,2021, Join Ken Lang for Linkedin Lunch and Learn register here

Tuesdays, Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA is a grassroots, volunteer, networking organization that is widely respected and recognized for its work in career advancement and job search support.  Zoom based meetings are held every Tuesday between 7:00pm to 7:40pm.  Registration is required through NhN’s website (

Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.

Every other Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm The Resilience Circle has provided an opportunity for people to share their frustrations and anxieties about job loss and subsequent job search with their peers. We will introduce tools and techniques from wisdom teachers that will provide job seekers with alternative ways to work through their transition period and consciously change their mindset.  The group will meet every other Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 

Expectations We ask the following of each member: Commit to being willing and open to explore and take action from the wisdom thought leaders and various self-care activities, and actively participate in all group discussions and study topics that are presented.

If you are interested in participating, please email Michele Martin at

1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group 'Northwest New Jersey Career Club' and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Every Thursday at 1:30pm, join The New Start Career Network (NSCN) for an hour of open discussion and support with Michele Martin, Marc Strano, and Maria Heidkamp. The agenda is based on your needs and questions. To learn more, visit the NSCN website at or email us at 'Ask NSCN' if you have questions.

The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website Event Calendar for upcoming programs:

There will be no PSG of Mercer County meetings on Friday, December 25 & Friday, January 1 due to the Christmas and New Year holiday week!


1st and 3rd Saturday of the month Careers in Transition (CIT, read about us at )  meets virtually on ZOOM.  Virtual business cards are shared using ZOOM chat.

To have your resume reviewed, please send it in a doc or docx format to Carol McCullagh ( AND Glenn Resnicoff ( by 4pm the Friday before the meeting.

REGISTRATION USING THE CIT GOOGLE FORM IS REQUIRED by 4PM Friday before the meeting using Google will acknowledge your form submission.  CIT will send you the Zoom link on Friday night. Please check your spam folder.  

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library , located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016-4314, offers an extensive series of weekly programs pertaining to job search, training, and career advice. In addition, the library has numerous training classes on Microsoft Office, including: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Check it out; you will be glad that you did. Inquiries about programs may be made by calling 917-275-6975, Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm.  Click on their link at: for a detailed list of upcoming classes.  In addition to these great in-person classes, the library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at: .  Check them out; I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the amount of helpful information awaiting you.


2021 Virtual Transition Support Meetings

Monday, 2/8 at 10:00 a.m. Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey, Position your Talent, Not your Title Join VJ Miles to learn why you should 

Zoom meeting Access:

Meeting link: 

Meeting ID: 525-652-585

Dial-in phone only: 646-558-8656


Monday, February 8, 2021, 12 - 1:30 p.m. New York Public Library presents “Transitioning Your Way to the Top: Career Pathways for Multiple Industries” Details will be emailed upon registration ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing by Bradley Michelson, Director of Business Development at Idealis Registration is required for this webinar - Click Here to Register

2/8/21 – Learn From Latman Series - Virtual Meeting via Zoom – 4:00pm – 5:00pm “Techniques to Create a Powerful Resume” Does your resume attract attention from potential employers and recruiters? Does your resume separate you from the crowd? Are you having problems creating a resume that helps you get the job you want? If you are answering “No” to any of these questions, you need to hear Marty Latman as he provides you with helpful advice that will help you develop a powerful resume that will help the hiring manager choose you over your competitors. Marty Latman

Monday, February 8, 2021, 5 - 6:30 p.m. New York Public Library presents “Building Your Professional Brand: Why It Matters and How to Do It” End times are approximate. - Details will be emailed upon registration ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing

This session is part one of a two-part series.Qianna Brooks discusses how to create an authentic professional brand, the oft-overlooked truth of what’s at stake if you don’t, and how to do it with as little stress as possible. Learn what happens after you've crafted your professional brand and how to tackle the fun question of "How do I use my brand to connect with people on LinkedIn and other social media platforms?".

March 2 at 5 PM Part Two: Self-Promotion: It’s Good for You, I Promise Registration available here: Register Here

Registration is required for this webinar - Click Here to Register

Monday February 8, 2021, 6-8 p.m. BCNC:   Managing your Job Search Successfully  

Details and registration:

Being in-transition can be a very stressful, especially in today’s challenging times. You can get depressed, angry and confused.  You need to search for a new position but how do you search. Do you feel you are not progressing in your search? 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 6 - 7:30 p.m. The New York Public Library presents “The use of Artificial Intelligence and other technologies in recruiting”. Details will be emailed upon registration ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing are using more and more technology in every step of the hiring process. Cory Kapner explains how to recognize when a company is using these technologies, what technologies are good and not so good for job seekers, and overall best practices on how to use these technologies to your advantage.Registration is required for this webinar - Click Here to Register

Tuesday, February 9th, 6:00 – 7:30 pm The next Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) Zoom meeting is 6:00 – 7:30 pm  on Our guest speaker,  Laura Powers, will present on “Navigating Career Transition During Extraordinary Times”  This is a free network group, for people looking for new opportunities or interested in professional development. Please feel free to invite other professionals to participate that are interested in professional development or looking for a new opportunity.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 4156 9189 Passcode: 894741

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        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 867 4156 9189

Passcode: 894741

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Contact Number: 203-270-0051

Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021-- KLM Consultants LinkedIn Lunch 'n' Learns at 1 pm presents Alex Freund.  Topic: Branding for Landing.  Register here.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)  The Tuesday evening NJ JobSeekers group, normally at Trinity Church in Princeton, is moving online for the duration.Web site: Tuesday meeting permalink:

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. ET or Thursday, February 11th, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. ET. If you’re a job seeker in 2021, your marketing message and documents need updating to show prospective employers how you can help them *right now* in this post-pandemic landscape.  ...if you don’t show this in your resume, you are going to get left in the dust.  I am inviting you to a resume writing and job landing master class that a  leading resume expert Lisa Rangel, is offering. You MUST sign up if you can’t attend and want the recording:  “How to Design a Powerful Resume to Land 6-Figure Interviews and Get the Offer!” NO-COST ONLINE TRAINING SESSION (Choose ONE of the Following Dates)  

Register for the Session You Would Like to Attend

 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2021, 10:00am - 12:00pm,Monmouth County Workforce Development presents, ‘POWER NETWORKING IN A SOCIAL MEDIA WORLD’, By Carl E. Reid Please reserve your seat by going to:  and registering for this workshop. Seats are limited!

Wednesday, February 10th 2021, 6.30pm to 8.30pm: The St. Patrick's EARN Networking Group is holding a virtual Zoom meeting and presents Marty Latman with the topic: Staying Positive During Difficult Times.  Don't miss Marty and his presentation. Use this link to register: You will then receive the Zoom details on the day of the meeting.

Thursday, February 11, 2021, 12 - 1:30 p.m., The New York Public Library presents “Self-Recruiter® The Pandemic Shift in Job Search: Influencing The Decision-Maker with Direct Outreach”. Details will be emailed upon registration.  ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing We hear often that applying for jobs online should not be an exclusive method of looking for a job, but how do you reach out to people who can help you or who make decisions about you getting a job? If you are asking yourself this question also, this interactive workshop is for you. Registration is required for this webinar - Click Here to Register

Friday, February 12, 2021, 12 - 1:30 p.m. The New York Public Library presents “Healthy Human Communication”.  Details will be emailed upon registration.  ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing communication in professional and personal life is rapidly evolving as we settle into the 2020s. Communication is the foundation of leadership and companies are seeking a diversified workforce ready to innovate and grow. Are you prepared?Registration is required for this webinar - Click Here to Register

Saturday, February 13, 2021, at 8:00 am, The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: “Your 2021 Career – Becoming a VictOR Rather than a VictIM” presented by Abby Kohut.. Go to the website for GoToMeeting sign on instructions on the Home page under the speaker.

February 13, 2021, 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM.Upcoming MCT Meetings My Career Transitions present, Topic: To Survive and Thrive After a Job Loss Speaker:  Ken Sher.

Location:  Virtual Event 

Sponsor: Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society

To register for this FREE event, click here. Registration will end February 12th at noon.

I2/15/21 – Learn From Latman Series - Virtual Meeting via Zoom – 4:00pm – 5:00pm “Preparing and Performing Your Best in the Online Interview” During today’s economic downturn and the large number of employed people, it is really necessary to stand out from all the other candidates. You really need to excel during your interview.  Marty Latman, will explain the things you need to do and know regarding the online interview process. Learn about the information research you need to do prior to the event, the technical equipment you need, and the things you need to say to be the best you can be on the interview. Marty Latman

Monday, February 15th at 7:00 Suffern Professional Networking Team meeting Let me know if you are planning on attending. Below is information on how to access the meeting.

Jeff’s Zoom Info


Meeting ID: 408 874 3824

Password: gohome2020


Dial by your location

        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 408 874 3824

Password: 430491

Jeffrey Getz

Tuesday, 2/16 at 10:00 a.m.Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey, Money-Saving Strategies during a Career Transition

Bill LaChance and Sean Lovison discuss money-saving strategies to help manage cash flow during a career transition. Topics include medical insurance through the Affordable Care Act, strategies to take advantage of shifting marginal tax rates impacted by the new tax law, and the advantages/disadvantages of 401K/403b rollovers. Bill and Sean are certified financial planners at W.J.L. Financial Advisors.

Zoom meeting Access:

Meeting link: 

Meeting ID: 525-652-585

Dial-in phone only: 646-558-8656

Tuesday, February 16, 2021, 5 - 6:30 p.m. The New York Public Library presents “Early Career Decisions: What to Focus on, What to Relax On”.  Details will be emailed upon registration.ASL interpretation and real-time (CART) captioning available upon request. Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance by emailing Your first set of decisions in your career can be the most difficult. What do I want to be when I grow up? What do I need to study? What am I qualified for? What kind of company should I work for? Who should I look up to? (Head spinning).. so many more questions!! In this workshop, Bradley Michelson discusses the mindset needed to get through these decisions, potential strategies, and case studies of a few professionals’ initial career pathways..

Registration is required for this webinar - Click Here to Register

Wed Feb 17th, 6:00-9:00pm Central time, NSENG presents 3-Hour Onl

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