Sunday, January 24, 2021

Placement Flashbacks (Memories from over 30 years in the staffing field). #7.

We tend to spend a lot of time discussing candidates who disappear into thin air. How about companies who request resumes for a job opening then are incredibly slow scheduling interviews?
Frequently, I hustle to submit resumes for an 'urgent' need then I hear nothing for 3+ weeks even with diligence on my part. By the time the hiring manager responds, it is inevitable that several candidates will be off the marketplace. Several years ago, I received a call from a hiring manager at a giant telecommunications firm. He asked to schedule an interview with a candidate who had been submitted by a former colleague. I located the candidate to find out that resume was submitted almost eighteen months earlier and he was not happily working overseas. The hiring manager was livid as HR had first told him of the candidate that week!
My advice is, to move as quickly to respond to resumes as possible and that hiring managers should keep tabs on Procurement/HR whenever possible. 

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